Chapter 6

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I Stood in the rain for a few seconds before Shiro came out and placed an umbrella over me.
"You're gonna get sick standing out here in the cold." He broke the silence with his friendly deep voice.
"I wouldn't mind being sick." I murmured under my breath as Shiro's large shirt clung to my pale skin.
"Keith.. I'm sorry. My mom didn't know. Lance's mom didn't want it on the news. She wanted us to keep it in between us." He said placing his huge jacket over my shoulders.
"It's not that. It's.. it's the fact I still blame myself for it." I blurt out trying to hold back tears that burn my eyes. "I told him not to do it. I tried to hold them back. But they got to me and he.." i stopped and started hyperventilating. Panic. That's all it was. Shiro grabbed a hold of me and hugged me. He knew what to do. "Deep breaths Keith deep breaths." His tone was soothing and quiet "let's get out of the rain ok. So you can sit down and give yourself a chance to think." He whispered and leaded me to the gazebo across the parking lot.
Once I was chilled out I started explaining everything.
"We were under the bridge." I started
"What were you guys doing there?" Shiro asked not hearing this part.
"Pidge wanted to get a few extra hours in for driving class. So I told her to drive out there and I would drive back." I took a deep breath and studied shiros face. I mostly looked at his scar from a bad car accident a couple years back.
"So why get out of the car." His voice sliced through the silence.
"Pidge wanted to see the stars and so did lance. They dragged me out of the car. I followed and we sat and stared up at the stars." I played with my thumbs "it was a perfect night and we were all messing around until Pidge bumped into some GHS students." I sighed "they started talking smack until they recognized her as Matt's little sister and started picking on her." I stood up "i told them to back off and pushed one off of her. I think his name was sendek or whatever." I shrugged.
"You mean to tell me you pushed sendek,the QB, for our biggest rivals football team?"Shiro sounded shocked.
We both knew he was an asshole. him and haxus were no match for anyone of us.
"Yeah. He put hands on Pidge. When he got pissed he yelled at me." Shiro gave me the same look lance did and the memory came into my head.

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