Chapter 8

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"I told you! You're gonna get your ass kicked!" A yell was heard along with someone stumbling up the stairs. "I have more balls than you!" A female voice yelled back in return.
Me and Shiro glanced at each other and snickered. Before anyone of us could knock Katie opened the door,and almost jumped out of her skin.
"Holy shit! I think I see a ghost standing in front of me!" She sarcastically shouted referring to my pale skin as usual.
"Well hello to you too, you fucking gremlin." I laughed as we hugged
"It's been forever." She said giving me a squeeze and the let go and gave Shiro a hug.
"Well it's too hot to be standing outside come in." She laughed almost pulling us in.
"Matthew august Holt your boyfriend is here!" Pidge yelled up at Matt.
Shiros face turned bright red. "Pidge! We ar-"
"Wish he was." Matt cut Shiro off and slid down the banister.
"Hola my amigos." Matt finger gunned at us with a smile.
Shiro did it back before him and Matt did their ridiculous handshake.
"Kick ass!" They slapped each other's asses "go to space!" They acted as if driving a spaceship. "Represent the human race!" The boys shouted as they both flexed.
Mrs.Holt came up from the basement "language you two." She said as Matt gestures to Pidge "she just said fuck."
"Didn't hear it." She started and matt finished "never happened." He rolled his eyes.
"So what brings you two here to my evil lair of New Jersey?" Matt asked.
"Just dropped by." I replied with a smile.
"How are things going?"Pidge pushed up her oversized glasses.
"Better. How did that scar heal up?" I asked.
Pidge shrugged "eh it's better it's purple and feels weird."she snickered "but hey all I have to do it cut my hair and me and matt could be identical twins." She teased, pushing Matt.
She was actually right. The two of them had a three years difference on each other, but man could they be twins. They acted the same walked the same. Everything they did it was like they could be fraternal sex twins. But sadly That would be long lost as soon as Matt hit his growth spirt. If he hadn't already.
"Hey Shiro im taller than last week." Matt said standing on his tippy toes trying to make the effort of looking tall.
"Hey short stalk you still can't reach my lips." Shiro teased and matt pouted.
The two had a bet when Matt could reach shiros lips, and actually kiss him, they would start dating. Matt however failed every time and they just stayed friends with benefits.
  Later on that day we found ourselves watching 'The Heat'.
Pidge of course passed out in my lap. She always did this with action movies. She got bored then passed out. She liked those stupid science movies. Pidge was a freshman in our school. She was smart and was taking classes for seniors due to the fact she was too advanced for freshman classes.
  Matt and Shiro were playing around. No one was really watching the movie accept me. I found it amusing to a certain extent.
Mrs. Holt came down and shook her head. She walked around and turned off the TV.
"Mom what did you do that for?!" Matt exclaimed looking up at her.
"You guys need to go outside. It's nice out there and you guys are wasting the entire day." She shook her head snickering a little. Once she disappeared matt stood up. "Guess we should go outside then?" Matt suggested.
"Throw the ball around." Shiro added.
We all agreed and raced outside to play a game of 'tackle Matt cause he can't throw a ball.'

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