Chapter Eight.

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I cleared my throat, and in a low voice, whispered an "excuse me, please", but he didn't move. I closed my eyes, and tried to walk around him, but he stepped right in front of me. I opened my eyes, and choked a small cry.

"Liam, please. I'm seriously not in the mood." I clutched onto my bag strap and glasses. I caught a brave note, and looked up into his hazel eyes. I couldn't read his expression. It was not sympathy, nor sadness. It wasn't a cruel look either, but that hardness. That deep deep hardness in his beautiful eyes, staring into mine. I sheepishly glanced away, to the floor.

"You've been crying." He stated, the obvious. I sniffled, but said nothing. "Why? What's wrong Blue?" I shivered when he said my name. It wasn't the bad shiver, like the ones I usually have, but more of a satisfaction.

"Nothing...please get out of my way." I tried once more, to walk around him, but now he had his hand gripped around my wrist. Not too tight, but tight enough to keep me in place.

I tugged away, but remained in his presence. I avoided eye contact, but I could feel his eyes staring down at me. I fumbled with my thick black square-shaped glasses, and slipped them on.

" won't hurt to talk," I slightly frowned, but allowed him to continue. "I understand, that I'm not the most likeable person at this school...but I'm still here. I know I'm not "cool" but it's doesn't bother me anymore. I hear the whispered rumors about me through the halls, Blue. I'm not stupid. I know we've  never really talked, before this morning...but having someone smile at me...having someone not cringe away from me, really made my day. It meant a lot to me, you know? Pretending that I had a friend. A real friend. So thank you, so much. The least I can do to show my graditude is comfort you, in your time of need. To be there for you, Blue. Please...just let me help, this one won't regret it. I promise."

I bit my bottom lip, but continued to avoid eye contact. His words really got to me. I was so upset about the break up and all, that I totally forgot about the inccident this morning. I made his day? I asked myself. I made his day. A small thought crossed my mind, like a stop sign at an intersection. I suddenly looked up at him, not thinking about what I'm about to say.

"Thank you. You know, for walking me to school. For helping me across the woods...I was fucking terrified," I gave out a small awkward laugh, and he kinda smiled, " helped truly means alot. I know I didn't say anything before," I looked down, feeling a bit guilty, "I mean, I was seriously planning on not even talking to you, and just completely avoiding you," I laughed. He stopped smiling. "But, just know that it really did mean alot..." I looked back up, at him, gazing into his sparkeling eyes. He slowly started to smile again.

"So...does this mean you'll confide into me?" He asked, glancing down at his dirty blue converse, I smiled, but then realized I had to talk about You-Know-Who...I looked up at him, and slowly nodded my head. His smile grew wider.


I spent the rest of lunch crying and talking about Alex. I talked, I laughed, I cried. He listened. I talked about how we met, and how he called me beautiful everyday. I told him how he used to send me goodmoring text messages every morning, and a goodnight message every single night, right before I dozed off with nothing but happiness and love.

Liam only smiled. He didn't say anything, until I was done.

"You know, it sounds like you two had something really special," he started, me wiping away a tear, nodding my head, "but...for him to just throw it all away...all those months of love and happiness you two really fucked up. But know, Blue, that in your heart...he wasn't that right guy for you. A great guy is waiting out there, for you. Lost in this cruel world, waiting for you to step into his. He's waiting, Blue. And when you find'll just know. And he'll love you, and only you. No one else. I can promise you that."

I looked up at him, and he gently smiled down at me.

Those dimples...

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