Chapter Nine.

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After school, Liam offered to walk me home, but I politley declined. It was nothing personal, I mean I really wanted to. You know, so I can get to know him better and all...but...I just really needed the space. I wanted to be alone. I needed quiet.

As soon as the final bell rang, I left wood shop and slowly trudged downstairs to my blue locker. I contemplated on whether or not to wait for Trista, and decided to just leave. I love her and all, but I'm just not in the mood to hear endless (and not to mention pointless) stories.

I walked down the old green bricks, and started home. I fished around the inside of my backpack, for my red headphones, but realized that Trist forgot to give them back. I leant them to her after third and totally forgot. I sighed but continued onward.

I wish I could say something great happened that afternoon, walking home alone. But nope. Nothing at all. I wish I could give engrossing detail after detail, about how I had the "eerie" feeling that someone was following me, and following after an action packed thriller about a mysterious guy who kidnaps me, and my impending struggle to survive. But nope. The walk home was boring. No eerie feeling, no mysterious guy, and no struggle to survive. Just Blue Saunders, trudging along the cold empty sidewalk.

As I was turning down Windermere Main St. (the street in which I live on), I noticed the big moving van, parked in the driveway of the ugly two-story house, right next to mines. It's been empty for quite a while, now. I guess someone decided to take in the poor ugly thing. People were going in and out, furniture in hand.

I put my head down, when I noticed a few heads turning my way. There was a boy, about seven or so, and a girl about my age. I kept my head down, and started to quicken my pace. I didn't want to make eye contact, because that just leaves the door open for conversation. Like I want that. Not to be mean or anything, but I mean come on; I did mention I wanted quiet, didn't I?

I made it to the back door, leading into the kitchen in peace. I noticed my mom walking in just as I was. She slightly pursed her lips together. I took my eyes and attention off of her, and turned it to the fridge. I had just opened it, when she started up.

"Blue, what happened last night? You came downstairs a wreck. Your eyes were puffy and you looked like you have been crying. Not to mention, the way you ignored me when I tried to talk to you! Why? What's going on? You've never locked me out of your room like that, Blue. Never. Would you please just sit down, and talk to me?" I ducked my head into the fridge, to conceal the expression on my face.

I love her, I do, but why can't anyone just understand and respect that I just want to be alone? That's all I want. Of course, I'll confide into her later, but not right now...

"Blue, are you even listening to me?" She asked, propping her elbows against the granite counters. I took in a deep breathe, and closed my eyes. I really just wish she would understand. I closed the fridge, careful not to slam it. Otherwise, I might send her the wrong message. I reached over her shoulder, and grabbed a red apple. We locked gazes, which felt way longer than just a second, as she looked at me with hopeful eyes.

I bit into the juicy fruit, and in one swift movement, turned around and headed for the stairs.


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