Chapter Eleven.

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I tried not to look so confused, but I couldn't really stop the "What are you doing here, you creep..." face. I hesitated, at the second to last stair, but continued, since she had already seen me. Too late now, to run away. We locked gazes, and she awkwardly smiled at me, mouthing a "Hey". I politely smiled back, then looked over to my mother, who's eyebrows were raised. I could tell she was just as confused as me.

"Um, hi," I said, still smiling. Her smile grew, and her hazel green eyes sparkled. I liked that.

"Hi! I'm Mia! I'm um, your new neighbor. My younger brother and I noticed you walking along the sidewalk, and I decided to stop by and say hey, since I'm done for the day," she paused, and slightly frowned, but continued to smile, "you know, with the unpacking, I mean." She chuckled, softly to herself, but then frowned. "I mean unless you want me to leave, then I could just-"

"No, don't be silly! Come on in Mia, Blue needs some company in that lonely room of hers, anyways." My mother offered, without even consulting me. She looked over to me, and smiled back at Mia. "I think you two will become great friends."

I opened my mouth and began to speak, but again my mother started up.

"She's a little grouchy today, Mia, so excuse the impolite attitude of hers." Mia looks at my mother and awkwardly smiles, and then back at me, extending her hand for me to shake. I take it in mines and shake, politely, and she steps into the house. My mother shuts the door behind her, gives one more smile to Mia, completely ignoring my death glare, and walks into the other room. I sigh.

"Sorry for my mom. She can be a bit antsy sometimes," I say with a small apologetic smile. She looks up at the sudden sound of my voice and smiles again.

"Oh, no it's totally cool, your mom actually seems pretty nice." I give her a tight smile, and turn to start up back to my room.

"My rooms just up here," I say as I round the corner once I reached the top. I can hear her small padded steps follow after. I reach for my cold door knob and push open the door, stepping aside so she can head in first. She smiles at me and goes in, playing with the ends of her auburnish hair. She's very pretty with green, hazel eyes, and her hair is a reddish auburn. She has faint freckles across her left cheek to her right. Her smile is genuin, with light lipgloss. I notice how that's all the make up she has on, not that she needs any. Her face is beautiful as is. Her features are delicate, and her figure's petite.

"So, your name is Blue? As in the color? That's so cool! I wish my name was in the rainbow," I slightly frowned, but smiled politely, amused by the way she's trying to make small talk. I nodded my head, and sat on my bed, shoving aside Buddy. She looked at me, expectantly. I suddenly realized she was waiting on an invitation.

I awkwardly patted the space next to me. She smiled, brightly and excepted the invite. She sat and started squealing uncontrollably. Now alerted, I quickly reached for my phone, ready to dial 911.

"Oh! I absolutely LOVE CATS!! Can I pleeeeeaaaaase see him?! Or is it a her?!?! OMG what's it's name?!?!?! AWEEEEEEE his eyes are GREEN LIKE MINES!" I set aside my phone and started chuckling at her strange, yet energetic atmosphere.

"Well, it's um a boy, and his name is Buddy and uh yeah that's cool," I smiled at her and shoved the cat in her lap. Suddenly awake, Buddy stretched in her arms, pawing at her torso.

"AWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" She squeaked. I cringed a bit, but started to chuckle again. She's so weird. But I like her energy. Maybe we actually can be friends.

I sigh, remembering my day, and threw myself back against my pillows. I rubbed at my eyes and glanced over to Mia. She was smiling at my cat and fluffing his softness. She genuinely seems pretty nice.

"So, what brings you here to this boring ass town?" She looked up at me and gave me a sad smile. She stopped petting Buddy, and looked down at her hands.

"Well, we just needed a fresh start. A lot of bad memories, back at my old town. But, Windermere seems absolutely wonderful so far!" She said, as her cheery self regained it's composure. I smiled at her and loosely crossed my arms over my chest.

"I wish, sister. Anyways, any friends yet? How do you like the school so far?" I was trying to make conversation with this stranger in my room, on my bed. She paused, giving her words thought, and replied.

"No, no friends yet, but I'm working on it, haha," she winked at me, and I started chuckling. "Today was my first day, over at the high school, and it seems pretty nice so far. Kind of boring, but there was some excitement at lunch!" At this, I sit straight up. She was there? Does she even know that it was me causing a scene? I cleared my throat, and looked down at my hands.

"So, um, what kind of 'excitement'?"

I asked, kind of nervously. She looked as though she was lost in thought.

"Well, there was a girl and she was flipping out because some guy was kissing this one girl. I'm not one to judge, but I think someone was jealous." She smiled, amused, and I frowned at her.

"I was not!" I blurted out. She looked kind of confused and awkwardly pointed a finger at herself.

"Um, Blue, I was talking about the girl in the cafeteria. I never accused you of being jealous. Although you two do like somewhat alike, but she was wearing a flannel and—oh." She suddenly said. when her eyes wondered to the flannel sprawled on the floor, next to my desk.

Her cheeks tinted pink and she slightly covered her mouth.

"I'm sorry! If I would've known it was you, I swear I wouldn't have said anything! I'm so sorry!" She really looked worried, as if I was going to kick her out of my room. I gave her a small smile and crossed my arms over my chest, taking a seat next to her again.

"It's cool, Mia, don't sweat it. Besides, you didn't know." I smiled over at her, and she slowly returned it. She crossed her legs, and faced me.

"So, um, I know this is weird to ask, considering we just met, but um...I was wondering if it would be okay if I can maybe sit with you at lunch?" She gave me a shy smile and I started to chuckle lightly.

"Of course, Mia. You could've just straight out asked me, you know? I don't bite." For the first time, I gave her a genuine smile. She immediately returned it. And patted my leg.

"Thanks, Blue. I really do appreciate it." We exchanged smiles again, and I started to chuckle lightly.

"You know how I mentioned I didn't bite?" She frowned slightly, but nodded her head. "Well, I made no promises about Trista." We started to laugh and now I can totally see us becoming friends. Surprisingly, I'm glad my new neighbor came over.

"Wait, who's Trista?"


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