Hello 👋

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Hello! It's been a while. I know I've been gone for too long due to my studies and I deeply apologize to those who've followed and added this fanfic in their reading lists, left comments, votes, and encouraged me to update which I have failed to do so for the past 2 years. Those years I have been inactive in writing were especially crucial as I have tried my best to get good grades to get to my dream university 😔 I'm not sure if anyone would still be able to read this given that no one is probably following this fanfic anymore, but I'd just like to leave a message to apologize and also to formally leave a notice that I will no longer be updating this fanfic anymore. I am honestly guilty and disappointed in myself that I couldn't finish this, mainly because I think I somehow lost the feels from being inactive for too long and also because Sulli's departure from f(x) plus the things that followed after... how should I say this... kind of disoriented me as I have wanted to base this from reality as much as possible. But with Sulli gone from f(x) and things going on differently with her life which was far from how I imagined, I couldn't really quite figure out how to capture her real personality, which means her character here might seem too detached from her real life self, and maybe some of you might understand what I mean.

But please let me know if anyone is still following this story and would like to know further of what was supposed to happen after the last chapter I have posted before. Just leave a comment or send me a message privately so I would post the summary of how I planned on ending this fanfic. I wouldn't post it for now because I really think no one would be reading this anymore 😅 but just in case, please do let me know if you'd like to know the ideas I've had saved in my notes for this fanfic.

Thank you so much once again for giving love to this fanfic ❤️ this is the first writing which I've really loved and I will be eternally grateful for the recognition it earned. I am trying to write again this time, but I'm returning with a new fanfic, and hopefully I will really get to finish it this time. If you have time, I would like to advertise it: the title of my new fanfic is "EXULANSIS" and it is a Ten (NCT) x original character story. Please do give it a try, and I hope you'd like it as well :)

Once again thank you very much for reading even until this message! I hope everyone is having a nice day ^^

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2017 ⏰

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