Episode 07 Part 01 - Death Mask

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My darling Livia,

I have gotten a letter from your husband, asking if I would stop writing you. As you read, I didn’t stop and I won’t stop. I need your advice, the fact that I can talk to someone who understands everything, who is on the same level, is something I never thought I would have. Everybody was beneath me.

   But that is not what I wanted to tell. Marc Anthony and I have decided that it would be a good thing to strengthen our friendship with a marriage. Actually it was Atia’s idea, but we can’t let her marry Anthony. People expect that, but Anthony needs someone who can bear children. So we decided Octavia would be better. I hope Atia won’t make a problem of it at the wedding.

   I would want to invite you to it, making sure you come back to Rome one day, but I don’t think your husband will think that is alright. But I will write to your mother. After the wedding I will prepare myself for a speech to noble women of Rome and Italy. I will hint to bring you along for the speech.

I hope you come and may the gods protect you,

Gaius Octavian Caesar.

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