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Hey you!

Yes, you're.

I want to tell you something. I'll tell before to late to say it.

You can make me happy, laughing, worry, and many more.

But, you never can change my heart.

Never in my heart, it too dark and too scaries.

If you love me, okay it's no problem. But I won't take you to be mine...

Why? 'Cause, I want to build my future. Classic reason, right? Actually, there's more reason.

I know I'll busy, and you too.

Build your future, I'll build too.

We'll support each other.

Rip grammar-.-

Sorry for bad grammar:v

- 6 Agustus 2017 -
- LimRyzen -

Love And HurtTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang