Touch Too Much - Bon Scott Imagine

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It was one of those nights where Flo would rather stay inside and go to bed early.
Unfortunately, tonight that wouldn't be an option since her best friend Nina was having a party at her place, but with a quite promising offer: a lot of hot guys invited.
Flo hadn't been in on the action for a long time, so she figured it'd be a good idea to go, if she wanted to get layed tonight, which she obviously did.
She walked up to her closet and picked out the shortest dress she could find, a red one with a deep neckline, paired with a pair of towering black platform shoes.
The party would start at 10 P.M. so Flo hopped in her car and drove off to Nina's place, about a thirty minute drive from where she lived.
When she came closer to Nina's street, Flo could already hear the sound of rock music blaring through the speakers, and the chatter of the guests that had already arrived.
She parked her car and walked up to the front door of the house.
Almost instantly after ringing the doorbell, Nina opened the door and wrapped Flo in a tight hug.
She kissed her cheek and said:'Hey sis, how have you been? It's so good seeing you again after so long!', to which Flo answered: 'Hey sis! I've been great... Just a bit dry, if you know what I mean...' she sighed. 'Oh...' Nina smirked. 'You won't be dry anymore after tonight, trust me... I invited so many hotties, at least one of them is gonna be your type, I just know it! Now go in there and get yourself a babe.' she said giggling.
'Alright sis, will do...' Flo said giggling, hanging up her coat on the coat rack in the corner of the hall.
When she walked into the room, all eyes were on her. But one pair of eyes, green ones, seemed to catch her attention instantly. They provoked a sense of mystery and adventure.
The eyes belonged to a somewhat skinny guy with dark brown curls and tattooed arms.                              His eyes seemed like they could stare right into her soul.
Before she could even move, he walked up to her and said:
'Well hello there, angel eyes, what's your name?'
Flo smiled at the cute nickname he gave her and answered: It's Flo... What's yours then, stud?' she giggled. He seemed like he was up for some fun, judging from the way he was looking at her body.
He smirked and said: 'It's Bon, babe. Now, can I offer you a drink?'
'Yes please... I'll have a scotch on the rocks, please.'
'One scotch on the rocks, coming up...' he walked up to the table that served as a bar and started preparing the drink.
A few moments later, he came back and handed her the glass.
Flo took a sip and closed her eyes briefly because of the drink's strength.
'Oof... That's some strong stuff, I like it.' she smiled.
'Yeah, it's good, innit? One of my all time favorites.' he said and he winked at Flo.
'Oh and by the way, can I just say how good you look in that dress? Smoking.' Bon smirked.
She returned the smirk and said: 'Thanks... You don't look bad at all yourself either...'
' Y'know, it's hard for a man like me to keep his eyes off a hot lady like you... And believe me when I say that's not something I say to every woman I meet.' he giggled.
Flo moved closer toward him. For a moment, her blue eyes and his green ones were locked in each other's gaze. Then, Bon wrapped his arms around Flo's waist, pulled her body against his and kissed her. She ran her hands through his hair while he was feeling her up.
'That's alright, mama... What a body...' Bon whispered in her ear.
She giggled and said: 'Feel all you want, I'm all yours tonight...'
He let out a pleased moan and squeezed her ass a little.
'Go on...' Flo said, softly moaning.
Bon cupped her face with one hand and kissed her.                                He giggled and playfully licked the side of her face.
'Ooh, what was that? I liked it...' Flo said, somewhat surprised by his action.
'I dunno... Why don't you give it a try...' Bon smirked and giggled.
Flo kissed him and licked his cheek. It felt so hot on Bon's skin, he thought:
'If I can't take this one home tonight, I don't know what I'll do...'
Bon looked her in her beautiful blue eyes and said:
'What do you say we take this party home? I don't want to disrupt the other guests, y'know...' he said with a smirk.
'I was thinking the same thing, let's move...' Flo answered.
Together, they walked to the front door.
Flo quickly winked at Nina, who'd been observing her best friend from the other side of the room.
Bon walked up to his car and opened the door for Flo, who then sat down on the passenger seat of his vintage red Cadillac. 'Milady...' he said jokingly.
'Sir...' she answered.
Bon got in next to her and started the car.
He drove off very fast, and before Flo knew it, they were cruising down the highway.
'You like some rock 'n roll, baby?'
'Only rock 'n roll...'
'That's what I wanted to hear...'
Bon turned on the radio and pressed play.
'This is a new song me and my band are working on, hope you like it...' he said smirking.
The speakers started blaring with the sound of guitar and drums.
Flo already loved the sound of it, and started moving to the beat.
Bon started singing, and goosebumps started developing on her arms. The sound of his voice was so raw and rough, it gave her the chills.

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