She Makes Me (Stormtrooper In Stilleto's) - Brian May imagine

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Ahhhh this took too long, I'm sorry to keep you waiting babe. Hope you like it :)

Gonny was sitting on the couch, wrapped in a warm blanket as it was freezing in- and outside. Just as she was flipping through the pages of the latest edition of Melody Maker, she heard the doorbell ring. She got up, walked up to the front door and opened it up only to find her sweetheart boyfriend, Brian, standing there with the most heart melting smile on his face. 'Good afternoon, my love.' he said. Behind his back he appeared to be holding something.

'Hello baby. Whats that you got there behind your back?' she asked anxiously while trying to peek.

Brian answered with only a smile and walked in, closing it behind him. 'Close your eyes, dear.'

Gonny did as he told her and closed her eyes.

'Now you can open them again, sweetheart.'

'Wait,' 'Is that what I think it is? Oh Bri! Theyre beautiful! Thank you so much baby, I love you!'

Brian handed his girlfriend a beautiful bouquet of daisies. She smiled sweetly at him and gave him a big kiss. 'I'm glad you like them.' he said as he looked into Gonny's eyes lovingly.

She smiled and said: 'Let's put them in water, shall we?'

'Sounds like a plan.'

After putting the flowers on the cabinet in the living room, Gonny sat down next to Brian on the sofa.

'I'm actually quite cold, I was sitting here in a blanket before you showed up!' she giggled.

Brian smiled and said: 'I think I can help you warm up a little. Come here love. Sit closer to me.'

He patted the empty spot next him on the couch. Gonny scooched over, still wrapped in her fuzzy blanket. Brian took the blanket, wrapped it around the both of them and hugged his girlfriend tight, rubbing her arms. 'How's this, my love?' he said smiling.

'It's just great baby. Keep going.'

Gonny closed her eyes and leaned in closer, resting her head on Brians chest.

The soothing sound of his heartbeat calmed her.

They remained like this for awhile, until Brian broke the quiet.

'Gosh love.' Brian sighed.

Gonny opened her eyes and looked at him.

'What is it, baby?' she asked.

He simply smiled, cupped her face and kissed her gently.

'You are just so beautiful, Gonny. Simply stunning. Day after day I think to myself:

How lucky am I to have such a wonderfully pretty girl to call my own?'

Gonny ran a hand through Brians soft, curly hair and cupped his face with her hand.

She leaned over closer to him and kissed him back.

She giggled and whispered in his ear:

'What did I do to deserve such a beautiful, adorable, loving soul as my boyfriend?'

'I love you so much, Gonny. To the end of the ever expanding universe and back.' Brian said.

She smiled. 'I love you so much too Brian. You make my life complete.'

Gonny closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. She yawned quietly.

'Can I ask you something, Bri?'

'Why of course you can darling. Ask away!'

Gonny looked down, then back up at Brian again.

'Have you...' she hesitated. 'Have you ever imagined what life would be like if we'd never met each other?'

'I have. And you know how it felt?' he answered.

'Well? How did it feel?'

'Like a life without any meaning whatsoever. You are the light of my life, Gonny, and I wouldn't know what to do without you.'

'I love you, Bri.'

Gonny hugged him and fell asleep right then and there, wrapped in Brians arms, feeling completely relaxed and very much loved. Brian on the other hand stared in admiration at his very own sleeping beauty.

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