Chapter 30

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When Chris was finally done with the principal filming I was seven months pregnant. I was getting to the large and uncomfortable stage. After the morning sickness had passed at around four months I was actually really enjoying the pregnancy. I felt good, I had heaps of energy. Now I was lethargic, I felt huge and everything ached.

She was kicking all the time too. Right in my kidneys. Or under my ribs. That was fun. Made Chris happy though. He loved that he could now press down on my belly and he was almost certainly going to get a kick back.

We still hadn't picked a name out either. I just wasn't sure about doing the whole Disney thing. It seemed to me that we had to love the name and not just name our child for novelties sake. They had to live with it after all.

It was cooling down now which was nice. The colours on our trees were changing and Chris grew his beard back. Hey so you know what's fucking hot? Chris Evans with a beard and wearing plaid, raking leaves. Didn't even know that was a thing I had; but I could sit outside with tea on my hammock swing and watch him rake leaves all day and it would make me so fucking turned on. Who needs porn when you have that?

It's just a pity that it was too cool for him to just randomly decided to take his shirt off. Can't have everything I suppose.

Aside from yard work he was just taking some time off being with family, getting ready for the baby. I was still working. It was nice being back at the University with the others. I only worked until the end of August though. My due date was Halloween so October was the start of my maternity leave. Not that I was great at it. I just kept writing papers from home.

The first week into October Gaby held a baby shower at our place and just invited everyone so that Chris could come too, because he was just as excited as I was. It was really casual actually. I was so relieved. Pizza, cupcakes, beer and champagne for those who could drink it. Chocolate milkshakes for me, because I was craving them like crazy. Also baby spinach with caesar dressing. Don't ask, but I could eat a bag full in one sitting.

We obviously didn't need anything for the baby. So the gifts were mostly just donations to one of the two charities either Chris or I suggested. He went with Christopher's Haven and me the WWF. We got some cute baby clothes and pieces of art for the nursery though. I mean it is totally understandable, since getting home to Boston I'd been buying up every single bit of cute baby stuff I'd come across. Chris was even worse than I was. I swear he'd go to meet friends for a drink and come back with some outrageously adorable dress that had Winnie the Pooh on it.

"So what names have you got?" Gaby asked, as a bunch of us sat around talking.

I shook my head. "None. Chris is seriously set on a Disney name and I'm just not sure. Like they have to live with that. I just... his fans are a bunch of turds sometimes."

Gaby shrugged. "Sounds to me like one of the things they'd like about him. His haters for sure would make fun of him for it, but his fans? Ehhh..."

I hugged her. "How come you know what his fans would like?"

"Ever since the nude photos thing I keep my eye on them. Me and Lisa tag team them sometimes. Don't we?" Gaby said, looking over to Lisa.

Lisa grinned. I could see so much of Chris in her in that smile. I wondered what genes our baby was going to express. We both had the blue eyes long lashes thing happening. We were both part snowman. So definitely something like that. Would she have his more roman nose? Or would it look like mine? Would she get any of their aboriginal genes show?

That thought made my heart hurt a little. How was I going to teach her about that part of my heritage if we weren't even in Australia. I had such a hard time learning about it myself and I was there with my grandmother teaching me. How was I going to be able to do it alone surrounded by American's with their own heritage?

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