Chapter 14

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October passed without much happening. Chris was in and out of town. He still had his very low moments but he seemed much happier. We spent Halloween with Chris' family. Chris and I walked Carly's kids up and down the street. Miles and Ethan had both wanted to be Captain America which was adorable. Stella was only a month old and so couldn't come with us but Carly dressed her as a ladybug and she was just the cutest thing ever.

Chris and I did couples costumes again. Chris went as Han Solo and I did Princess Leia.

"One day our kids will be with us when we do this," Chris said, as we trailed after Ethan and Miles. The boys were running holding each other's hands but every driveway we got to they were too scared to go in alone.

"I hope so. I gotta say, this might be competing for my favourite holiday." I grinned.

Chris put his arm around my waist. "It's so stupid they don't celebrate it in Australia. That's the dumbest fuckin' thing I've ever heard."

I looked at him with mock shock. "How dare you, sir? Those are fightin' words!"

Chris burst out laughing. "You know it's true." He said, giving me a squeeze. "Besides I know Christmas is never getting knocked out of place for your favourite holiday. So let's not get carried away."

I nodded and kissed him. "You're right and you guys do Christmas better too."

"See, Australia sucks and America rules. You just have to face facts." Chris teased.

I punched him in the arm and he put me in a headlock, rubbing his knuckles on my head. "Stop it, Chris! My hair!"

Chris let me up and kissed me as we caught up to the boys. "You gonna go to the door this time?" Chris asked as we approached them standing at the gate.

Miles pouted. "No, I don't wike it."


In early November Chris left town again. We'd agreed to play with the remote vibe. I was a little worried about how loud it was. Not that it was super noisy, but you definitely hear the buzz. So the rule was he had to call or text just to make sure I wasn't somewhere completely inappropriate.

Gaby and I went dress shopping one Saturday for her wedding dress. The shop she had chosen was in a cute terrace building in the city near the bay. Gaby was so excited. Unlike me, she was so into the dresses. We had made an appointment and were just looking through racks as we waited for the sales assistant.

"God they're all so beautiful," Gaby said, excitedly as she held a fluffy white dress up to herself.

"If you say so," I said, smiling at her.

"Emily, you're the absolute worst." Gaby laughed.

"Please don't make me wear pink," I said quickly. Gaby completely lost it. She fell on me laughing.

A tall blond woman approached. Ms. Martínez, I'm Erica. If you'd like to come with me. She took us into a small room in the back and we sat down on some plushy couches. There was a cake on the table and Erica poured us some champagne.

"So did you have anything in mind?" She asked, sitting opposite us.

Gaby pulled out her wedding book. I started giggling and Erica gave me a withering look. Gaby showed Erica a range of dresses she'd liked and Erica hurried off to make some selections.

I looked at Gaby and wrinkled my nose. "You like weddings."

"I sure do. I can't wait to be a princess." Gaby smiled.

"And we're friends because...?"

"Emily, stop it." Gaby laughed. I nudged her with my elbow.

Erica came back with a rack of dresses. The first dress she picked up and showed Gaby lost it over. She went to the change room to try it on and I picked up a glass and had a drink. My phone started playing the Avengers theme song and I answered.

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