Chapter 23

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I took several steps back and once I hit into a chest I paused. I turned around and glanced up, only to see Ethan, who still had a look of fright as he stood frozen, staring ahead.

I looked back over and just in mere seconds, a blood bath had began, with vampires jumping out at Luciano and Axel. There was low sneers and other loud shouts and on instinct I grabbed Ethan's hand and backed away.

Ethan snapped out of his frightened daze and taking the lead, went to guide us away into the trees however just as he went to pull me along with him, he halted as his hand tightened around mine.

We watched as one of the other humans had sprung up to their feet to make a run for it. However a vampire appeared just a few steps ahead of them, standing to the boys right.

The vampire who had appeared in a flash and the boy who was running straight ahead didn't stop when the vampire appeared. As the human went to run past him, the vampires hand shot up, grabbing him by the throat as he raised his arm up, the boys feet leaving the ground.

The boys legs kicked out wildly as he clawed at the hand that held him by the throat.

The vampire then raised his other hand and he slashed across the boys chest, making him let out an agonising scream. The vampire then grabbed onto him like a ragdoll and dug his face into the humans neck, the gruesome sounds flooding my ears.

I stared at the scene wide eyed.

I was pulled away from my gaze as Ethan's hand harshly let go of my one, making me stumble a step with him backwards, before I turned around.

A female vampire with bright green coloured hair held Ethan by the arm only to then grab his neck and slam him onto the ground where she knelt over him.

"Get the hell-" Ethan said hoarsely with wide shocked eyes as he tried tearing the vampires hand away from his throat, "-off me!"

Immediately I began to panic and automatically thought of Arnold's lighter that had helped me put aflame a creatures arm before. However stupidly, it wasn't on me.

My heart didn't speed up and I still felt blank- however the urgency of my actions didn't waver.

I glanced at the ground and grabbed a thick stone from the ground.

I clenched it in my fist and just as the vampire had drew her head back to full forcefully dive into Ethan's neck, I ran forward and raised my hand before smashing the rock into the side of her skull.

The vampire's head flew to the other side and her vibrant green hair fell over her face as she paused on her knees, letting go of her grip on Ethan.

Ethan coughed and crawled out from beneath her grip and stumbled to stand up, bumping into me slightly as he stood next to me, gasping in air.

The vampire paused frozen, as I too stood still with the rock still in my hand.

The vampires head slowly began to raise up as she looked at me dumbfounded. She simply blinked and I mimicked her blank stare with a dull like expression.

Although it was only a second later her face screwed up into a deadly one and she sneered at me, fangs racing out as she leaped towards me.

All I managed was a step back until another body placed itself in front of mine.

I managed to see the vampire female fly back into the direction she came from as she slammed into the ground a fair distance away but this time, not moving.

I gazed up at the back of blonde hair that was without a doubt Axel, who spun around with a large smile on his face.

I blankly stared as he leaned down with his face hovering directly in front of mine, only inches away.

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