Chapter 27

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My world was spinning. It felt as if I were in a whole new world. I felt invincible, like all the depressing feelings that constantly nagged at me was drowned away and pushed aside with this devils liquid that I had another round of. 

It felt strange. Like I wasn't present in my body. My mind was buzzed, and I could hear myself laughing. A noise that sounded very strange and almost frightening at the realisation that it was from me. 

Murder, death, vampires, beasts and everything else sorrowful was non existent. 

It was just me, this music and a room full of my new friends. 

"Naw," the bartender cooed, "-I think that is enough," he said as he slid whatever drink was infront of me back towards him. 

I looked at him with heavy eyes and I could feel myself smiling. 

"Yes," I said, "-yes, yes." 

I stood up and hopped off of the stool, stumbling a little and I leaned onto the bar counter as I blinked- trying to stabilise my balance and thoughts. 

"I'm leaving now. I have so much to do! So much very so, oh yes," I mumbled.

Where was I again? And where was home.

I glanced around the room. This could make a potential home. 

"Is that cash or card little miss?" the man asked as he held open his hand. 

I glanced down at his hand then back up to his face. I could feel my smile turn into a confused frown as squinted slightly. 

"Huh?" I said. I blankly gazed around, with a strange feeling. Peace?

"I don't-" I paused, "-don't have no money?" 

The mans once friendly smile dropped and he looked a little firmer.

"No money, no drinks."

"Okay," I agreed, "-no drinks."

I glanced at the glass doors. I needed air.

I went to stumble my way out but I felt the bartender grab my arm from over the counter and yank me back a little.

I blankly looked back up at him with heavy eyes. Suddenly an image flashed before me.

I pictured the man in front of me to suddenly rip my arm off of my body and snarl fangs at me. 

It was only for a second, but terribly vivid. 

I snatched my arm from him and stumbled back a little, my breathing suddenly quickening.

Before anything else was said, someone smoothly linked their arm in mine and I watched as their hand chucked a note on the counter. 

I couldn't work out how much cash it was as my mind was still in a haze. 

"Keep the change," A mans voice said, "-shes with me."

I glanced up, confused. A man I had never seen before stood a feet taller than me as he guided me out of the bar. He looked older. Much older than I was, on the lines of borderline middle aged.

"Who..who are you?" I asked confused as I blindly followed him out the glass doors.

The man had over grown stubble. He wore baggy jeans and a buttoned up bomber jacket- the smell of cigarettes on him. 

"I'm Ken. I been watching you at the bar. Saw you needed some help thought I'd head over," he said with a smile as we kept walking down the path ahead a little. 

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