Chapter 34

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I was staring at the dark wall, unfocused, when finally, there was sound.  

I glanced over at the boy who hadn't moved an inch from were he laid on the sofa in the empty lobby we quietly sat in. 

The tall double doors began to open at an agonisingly slow pace. Finally, they opened, and in leaked in the light from the moon and the cold air painfully flew in harshly making me shiver. 

I stood frozen, as no one stood at its entrance. The vampire boy who was laying down, groggily sat up, staring at the door also, tilting his head in curiosity. 

"Hello?" he called out as if irritated and bored. 

I let out a loud gasp when someone blew onto my neck from behind. I immediately twirled around and jumped back slightly. 

Amelia stood tall in heels, peering down at me with an evil smile. She was a beautiful creature, but all of her malicious intent and hatred radiated ever so strongly. 

"What do you want," I gritted out. 

She simply tilted her head to the side slowly and grabbed a piece of loose strands of my hair and twirled it around her finger, smiling at me. 

She glanced up to look behind me. 

"Maybe you boys should have a little taste? See what it is Luciano cant get enough of."

I heard two pairs of chuckles from behind me however didn't move and blankly watched Amelia amuse herself. 

"I said," I calmly continued, "-what do you want," I repeated.

Amelia's eyes snapped to mine and she angrily yanked at my hair pulling my head down.

I was certain a few strands had been pulled out and I hissed at the throbbing pain. 

"I don't remember speaking to you," she hissed back before letting me go and shoving me backwards. 

The push was harsher than necessary and I slammed into the chest of a stranger. 

I glanced up to see a tall and wide shouldered man grasping me by the shoulders. 

"So you're the little thing that has got Luciano acting out?" he asked smiling.

He had dark hair and a missing front tooth. However what was terrifying was that one of his eyes were completely black. 

I didn't move and slowly looked back straight ahead to Amelia. 

"Why are you all here?" I asked, trying to contain the horror that threatened to creep up and spill. 

"We left, why are you guys here again?" I said angrily, raising my voice. 

Amelia crossed her arms and smiled. 

The man who was holding onto my shoulders twirled me around to stare at him. He looked down at me and squeezed my shoulders tightly making me cringe in pain.

"You see," he said with a pause, "-That Luciano of yours has decided to kill our brothers in this town. First it was one or two, and we let it slide." 

The second man who came along with Amelia who was a lot smaller than the man grasping me, walked closer to peer down at me from the black eyed mans shoulder. 

"-and George doesn't like that. So you're going to lure Luciano in for us and we're going to pull his plug." he completed with a nasty smile.

A chill went down my spine. This time, they were serious about killing Luciano. The vampire who was my father led almost every vampire and even Luciano wouldn't stand a chance against such numbers. 

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