Part 5

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Chapter 5

Arthur sits in the local library with a novel open on the desk in front of him. The book is supposed to be a distraction, but it rather ends up serving the purpose of giving Arthur something to be distracted from. His eyes would scan over the words - not actually reading them - and without even noticing he would find himself staring blankly at the bookshelves with his mind in the flat from the previous night.

Another ten minutes of staring into space pass, before the scraping of a chair brings him back to reality, accompanied by the throbbing of his head. Arthur growls and slams the useless book shut, walking out of the library while ignoring a couple of irritated shushes sent in his direction.

He walks down along the pavement, quietly observing the fast flowing river, the water level high from recent bad weather. It is moving into winter and Arthur can begin to feel the chill. A light drizzle coats his face in the gloom and the droplets sprinkling his hair twinkle under car headlights. The atmosphere is peaceful but Arthur is acutely aware of all other actions on the street, not being able to relax. He hates to admit it, but the break-in had really scared him. To be physically attacked in such a way was something he had believed would never happen to him, it was too rare and out of the question. But now, something bad has happened and there's nothing stopping Arthur from believing it might happen again. He doesn't loiter around on the way home.

Arthur lets himself into their flat, hanging up his coat and putting his damp shoes on the rack to be replaced by a pair of comfy slippers.

"Welcome home, eyebrows."

A scowl.

"Hello, pansy."

Arthur trudges to window, where Francis is painting onto a canvas with soft strokes of a brush. He can see the beginnings of details of the piece; shelves of books and some furniture. Francis looks up to him, with traces of a sly smile.

"Interested, cher?"

Arthur averts his eyes, "Hah, of course not. Wouldn't be surprised if it turned out like crap to be honest." The words don't come out as harshly as he had intended, and he strides into the kitchen to avoid any stupid taunts about his inexplicably reddening face. Francis had been treating Arthur especially kindly since previous night for obvious reasons, though it slightly irritated him. He doesn't need Francis' sympathy. But he had also been keeping up his silly suggestive looks and words that further pissed him off. At the same time, however, these actions are comforting. Not necessarily because of Francis, but because Francis is normal. Him being around and teasing is an ordinary, comforting thing and so Arthur almost finds it difficult to reject his actions. Almost.


Arthur leaves his lectures while finishing up conversations with his friend from class, Ludwig (who he had recently found out was Gilbert's brother to his surprise), and begins pottering off with the intentions of buying a sausage roll for lunch on the way home.

On his way out, he sees a smiley brunette jump on Ludwig with a cry of, "Luddyyy!"

They both look ecstatic to see each other embracing and exchanging kisses. Arthur feels some warmth blossom inside of him. They look so beautiful together and their

happiness seems to spread to Arthur. Perhaps it is because of the knowledge of there being people who are just like him around; not really going for women; as well as him being happy for them. But he also feels a twinge of jealousy, of embarrassment, that Arthur has no relationship to think of. He envies all of the perfect couples he sees, but is always too awkward and grumpy to find himself in a relationship. Arthur muses with a despairing but amused chuckle, he wouldn't date himself so he doesn't have a whole lot of chance with others.

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