Part 16

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Chapter 16


A tattered letter had been poking out of their post box, and Arthur examines the front with a frown before scanning through the rest.


"Hey Francis, Gilbert's having a big New Year's Eve party tonight. Reckon we should go?"

Francis pulls his bag into his bedroom, not dissimilar to how he did when he first moved in, and Arthur hears his beginnings of unpacking from Christmas. He calls back from the other room.

"Sure. Pourqoui pas? We don't have any other plans, unless there's something you're not telling me."

"Nah, I'm not doing anything else."

Arthur discards the invite on the side table and continues with his own unpacking. They had returned from his family's house recently, and it is already December 31st. Luckily for them term doesn't start for another couple of weeks, so they have downtime for a while.

They go out grocery shopping and pick up lunch while they're there, restocking the kitchen from being away. Arthur looks for snacks, fruit and lunch foods while Francis runs around picking up specific obscure ingredients for real meals. They reconvene and Arthur pokes his debit card into the machine while Francis chats graciously (or perhaps flirts) with the lady at the till - they take turns paying for food.

They spend the rest of the afternoon lounging around, not doing very much, until Francis gets up to make dinner. Arthur is very thankful for such great meals although he doesn't exactly show it. He hears anguished stories from friends about having to live off beans on toast for every meal, and only ever shopping from the reduced section in hopes of saving money. He and Francis don't bother with that.

They eat quite early and spend the remainder of the early evening getting ready to go out. Or at least Francis does. Arthur just throws on a slightly smarter shirt and a pair of black jeans, and types up some of his novel while Francis painstakingly decides on an outfit to wear and fancies up his hair with various complicated looking instruments and products.

They leave a little after eight forty, and after some walking and a short train journey in the already dark evening, they make it to Gilbert's rented house by ten past nine. Just standing outside, Arthur can already hear music booming like rhythmic thunder from the windows and walls. He feels a noticeable twinge of anxiety, being more of an introvert himself, but it's not enough to put him off a huge amount. Arthur did make attempts to get into grips with university life, and so he is not so unused to the whole party thing really. It just doesn't come as naturally as it does to others. But he knows he can just stick with Francis and anyone else he is familiar with, staying away from most of the strangers.

They ring the doorbell twice before getting an answer from a loud, drunken German (or Prussian?). Gilbert ushers them in, the music amplifying exponentially the closer they get to the raging speakers. The house is quite full, possibly around forty people chatting and dancing and drinking, although not struggling for space too much since the house is big (shared between Gilbert, his brother, and a couple of others). Arthur recognises about half of the people there, spotting Ludwig and Feliciano cuddling in a corner while another man looking incredibly similar to the Italian seems to be sulking angrily nearby. Francis' friend Antonio is talking with Gilbert, Francis and Matthew, who Arthur didn't realise would be there. Just too late, he starts his frantic scanning of faces for the American oaf, but he growls in defeat and pain as said idiot jump attacks him from behind.

"Get off me you absolute tosser!"

Alfred giggles, but complies.

"Happy New Year Arthusiastic Igloo bro!"

He screws up his face in disgust. "Oh bloody Jesus Christ I think I just died inside. That's the worst thing that I've ever heard come out of your mouth, which is really saying something."

Alfred cackles this time. "How was Christmas?"

"Oh, fine. Nothing too special really. I guess you're back from America already, how was all that?"

They chat for a while, or rather shout at each other over the music, until Alfred wanders off to look for food. Arthur picks himself up a cup of some mystery punch, not too concerned about what is actually in it since it's going to be alcoholic and that's all that really matters. He spots Gilbert and Matthew, and while beginning to make his way over to talk to them he realises they're making out right in the middle of the room.

Jesus, Arthur thinks with mild disgust, we do not need to be seeing this. He isn't surprised by Gilbert, but seeing such public displays of affection from Matthew is something to look twice at. He shoulders through a particularly packed crowd of people who look to be trying to play amateur drinking games. Arthur reaches the other side, growling as a light splash of beer makes it onto his clothes, and joins Francis, Lukas and Antonio in a slightly quieter area.

He greets them briefly, only really planning on quietly listening to their conversations and maybe inputting a few things every once in a while. Francis, however, has different ideas.

"Arthur! Here you are,"

Francis hooks his arm around his neck and ruffles his hair.

"We were just talking about you-"

"God help me."

"-about how lucky I am to sharing with the cutest little Artie around."

"You're drunk already." Arthur struggles out of Francis' grip and glares. "Plus, I'm basically the only-" he sticks up his fingers in bunny ears to exaggerate his point, "'little Artie' around."

"Ah yes I see, mi amigo, he is very funny! I don't believe we've properly met yet little Artie, I am Antonio, yes?"

The smiley Spaniard offers Arthur a tan hand to shake, and Arthur pouts slightly but takes it.

"I'm liking this whole little Artie thing," Lukas says with a devilish grin. "It really picks up on your greatest features."

They all laugh, then, and Arthur is about to ditch the wankers, but before he can do so a tall woman appears before them with a nasty smirk on her face.

"Well I'll be damned. It's Francis. Been awhile since you fucked out of my life."


Okay so this is only a half length chapter because I've decided to upload it in two parts, simply because with this and the last chapter that will come out soon (an epilogue), the total number would be 17 chapters and I just can't have that xD. 18 is a better number. But I'll upload the other half chapter soon, probably tomorrow so you don't have to wait long, and then there'll just be one chapter left, aghhh so close to the end, hopefully it turns out well. Thank you so much for the support, sorry for the wait! <3

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