Part 7

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Chapter 7

A bowl of fried rice lays half eaten on the kitchen counter. Arthur sits in an armchair, his head resting in his propped up arm. He had gone past the point of having his mind full of all that confuses him, rather he couldn't really find the effort to attempt to decipher all that had just happened.

He must have caught Francis in a rare bad mood, and Arthur has since discovered that Francis is not one to mess with at these times. Even though Arthur was being provoked, he wishes he is able to travel back in time and take back what he had said. He knows he had really upset Francis, although it was probably more what his words had lead them to do that was upsetting.

Arthur doesn't know why Francis had kissed him. And while fighting of all times. Arthur isn't completely ignorant to social behaviour; he knows at least that kissing someone usually means that you love them. But that doesn't make sense; Francis had just told him he hates him. Then again, Arthur tells him he hates him most of the time and truthfully, he is realising that something about Francis makes him feel warm inside and makes his stomach flutter, making him want to experience just more of Francis in general.

The extent of the silence enveloping their flat isn't truly appreciated until the shrill call of the doorbell awakens Arthur from his staring into space and startles him into standing up abruptly. He glances at the clock - quarter to ten - and vaguely wonders who would be calling around at that hour. Arthur hurries to the door so as to not keep anyone waiting, and unlocks it only to find two unexpected guests.

Alfred and Matthew stand on the doorstep looking sheepish and tired. They're carrying large bags on their backs and are wearing creased but cosy clothing. Alfred puts up his hand in a hesitant wave.

"Hey, Art. Sorry to pop in so unexpectedly and cause a nuisance but we've, uh... kinda just been kicked out of our apartment."

Arthur looks between the two of them and grimaces. "Oh. Great. Good job. I suppose I can only guess that you two are now currently homeless and are hoping to lodge at our place." He groans. "Yeah you're right, this is going to be a bloody nuisance."


The two first-years perch on the sofa with cups of coffee while attempting to explain their situation to Arthur. They had already brought in their bags and so Arthur already guessing as to how everything will end up playing out.

Matthew starts, twirling lock of wheat-blonde wavy hair around his fingertips, a nervous habit. "So... basically our landlord decided that he wants to sell all of the apartments in our complex instead of renting them out, and evicted the lot of us."

"Piece of shit." Alfred growls under his breath.

"I'm not even sure if he's allowed to do that to be honest, but it doesn't exactly change the fact we kinda have nowhere to stay for the moment - our family is all in North America and it's the middle of semester. So... I'm so sorry Arthur but would it be at all possible to stay with you for a while; we'll keep out of your way and help with cleaning and everything!"

Arthur sighs. Things have been strange enough lately without these idiots begging for his help, but it's not like he can say no to some friends in need. "It'll be packed in here but I'm too soft to say no. You better pay your rent by washing up and not causing havoc though, bear in mind we're going to want to be studying for finals."

"Yeah sure, Artie, it'll be like we're not even here. Thanks a bunch, you really saved our necks! We owe you big time."

"Whatever, just behave. And I'll have to check with Fra-" His voice cracks at his name slightly. "Francis." He realises checking with Francis with involve them interacting, and he averts his eyes as he finds himself getting stupidly nervous.

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