A Strange Scream

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I heard that sound again coming from upstairs. But who could that be? There's nobody else upstairs, there shouldn't be anyways. It's just me and my friends. Who else would be here?
Are you sure you're okay?"
I didn't answer this time. I stood up from my chair and I started to walk out towards the kitchen, but I stopped myself in the center. I leaned forward to try to listen better, but I still couldn't hear what that sound was clearly.
William, Ryan, Drew, James, Brandon, Jack, and Claire all stood up from the dinner table and they all surrounded me from behind.
I didn't see them at first, and when I saw Jack and Drew I jumped.
"Don't scare me like that!"
"Ha ha. Whatcha doing?"
"Listening for what?"
I heard it again. Strange screaming sounds, but nobody else is here. At least there's nobody who should be upstairs.
I sighed.
"Maybe it's the kids outside playing," I reasoned with myself.
'But that scream didn't sound human!'

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