How He Died (Reapers Only)

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{Special chapter this time! So in other words it will just be the grim reapers this time round (including undertaker of course.) however to compensate, I decided to write this one off scenario for Ronald as a bit of fun! Ok so maybe not so fun since these are all about suicide, but it's something right? Right.}


Weirdo. Freak. Gender confused idiot. Yes, you tended to use make pronouns for him but that didn't mean he was weird. For some reason there had been more rumours flying around than usual about Grell today and you hab almost punched several people in the face. Especially when your red reaper looked so upset all the time. You couldn't help but feel bad for him. When the two of you finally made your way through the maze of people in the rec room and reached his office it was more than a relief. He sighed and laid his head on the table, crimson hair spilling everywhere.

"Ugh I hate them!" He murmured.

"I'm sorry." You say quietly.

"It's hardly your fault darling." He replies. "It's just... an annoying coincidence." You try to puzzle out what he means for a while when a thought comes to you.

"Did- did you die because o-of people like them?" You ask nervously wondering how rude it was to ask a grim reaper how they died.

"Of course not," he forces a laugh. "We'll sort of not... I had a younger sister who never looked down on me, she actually called me big sis sometimes. She was my buffer against all that. No, I died when she died." He smiled into the distance. "Stupid I know, human life is so insignificant to me now. But she meant a lot."

"Nah you're not stupid," you smile. "You're the most beautiful, most fabulous lady I've ever met." You kiss him on the cheek. "Now, I suspect William will be here in an hour so we should probably make a start on the paperwork."

"Oh damn!" He scrabbled in his draws looking for it. "Recommended time: 3hours! We are so dead!"


Things had definitely been awkward, that much was certain, set in stone and all the rest. But in a way the whole murder ordeal had brought you closer to William than ever. There was a desperation in you not to let him down and you could tell that he was positive he would be dead (well I guess he already was dead but that beside the point) before he let you ruin your life again. There was regret and pain but it all melted away when you looked into his eyes as horribly cheesy as it sounded. There was just one question you wanted answered.

"Will?" You ask him from your seat in the corner of his office.

"Yes?" He replies looking up from the paperwork he was inevitably doing.

"Why- why didn't you kill me?" Your eyes clenched shut as you said it.

"Well last time someone I loved that much died I killed myself and ended up here." He said simply. "I couldn't possibly let that happen again." Your eyes widen slightly.

"You loved someone that much?"

"Yes," he replied quietly. "But I love you more." You smile at him and take his hand.

"I love you too, and I'm so sorry I let you go through all that."

"I don't mind." He smiles. "You're here now." He squeezes your hand.


You sighed deeply, for some reason the dead were just pouring in these days, you had barely had a break recently. Of course there were positives too, a lack of free time meant a lack of time to dwell on recent events. You passed the next corpse over to the undertaker not really caring if you were gentle anymore.

"Do you even know what's going on at the moment?" You asked taking a short break to catch your breath.

"Nope." He shrugged. "I doubt anyone does," he sighed and turned to start prettying up the dark haired woman in front of him. He sighs quietly and you notice his eyes are slightly watery.

"Are you ok?" You ask peering over at the woman.

"Yeah," he smiles weakly. "I'm fine."

"I don't believe you." You say forcing him to face you. "What's wrong, hey old man?"

"Well, it's just been so long, centuries in fact." He smiles at your puzzled face. "This woman looks rather a lot like my mother you see. She forced me to join the army when I was younger, and well here I am. Still a coward." He laughs nervously.

"Nothing wrong with cowards in my opinion," you smile.

"Even dead ones?"

"Yes!" You take his hand. "Especially if they're as handsome as you." You kiss him neatly on the forehead before turning back to your work. "Well! These funerals won't organise themselves."

Ronald ~ the next die hard reaper!!!

You swung your legs backwards and forwards impatiently whilst you sat on the edge of a certain ginger haired reapers desk. He had been kind to take you in and all after you randomly showed up at the reaper dispatch one night, in fact the two of you had grown incredibly close, but he could at least talk to you. Instead he had spent all day sat in the corner of his office sulking for some inconceivable reason. And you were fed up of it.

"Ronnie?" You ask walking over. "You finally wanna tell me what's wrong?"

"I'm fine," he mumbled drawing circles on the desk and staring into the distance.

"Idiot," you sigh. "I'll ask again then, what's wrong, you're worrying me."

"I'm dead." He replies. "I'm bloody dead aren't I?!"


"I always told myself that it wasn't my fault, that I was pressured into it, but at the end of the day I chose it. I chose death didn't I? Not like anyone cared of course." He muttered, "no reason for Anyone to love the village idiot."

You place a hand on his shoulder and kiss his cheek. "I love you you little flirt." You smile. "Besides, you look more alive than most people I can see here." The two of you glance out the small pain of glass in the door to see William marching past with Grell firmly attached to his arm. The dark haired reapers expression could only be described as utter misery. You both laugh.

"I guess your righ (y/n)!"

{I finally did it!!! I would say sorry but really it's the fault of exams exams exams exams and more dumbass exams!!!

Sebastian: well at least you'll get a decent mark in them now. Unlike my young lord in his Latin test.

Ciel: that was totally uncalled for

Sebastian: but true

Ciel: I order you to be nice to me!

Sebastian: alright then, shall I blow on your food to cool it down, give you a hug?

Ciel: you know that's not what I meant?!

Sebastian: *innocent face* then what did you mean my lord?

Ciel: I give up *sigh*

Viscount who hasn't said anything all chapter: thank you for reading and being patient with author-san. if you have any ideas for chapters comment then!!!!}

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