When You Realise You Love Him (and visa versa)

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{Sorry if some of these come out sounding a bit depressing, although how realising you love someone or them realising they love you can be depressing I don't have a clue!

Undertaker: Heheheheh

Me: Creep!

Sebastian: Any particular reason you're depressed?

Me: None of your Buisness!

Naumaxia's Sister: It's because she failed her history test.

Me: get out of my scenarios! You don't even like anime!

Sister: Nope! But I like annoying you. And you've been going on about boring stuff about some show for days so I deserve my revenge >:) What is Black Butler anyway?

Me: How dare you! Get out! *picks her up and chucks her out* Now how about we do the scenarios, anybody thought about that!

Druitt: Ahhhh the sweet youth of love, like a robin- Hey!

Me: *picks him up and chucks him out too* Anyone else?!

Me: Good!


You were idly walking through the Phantomhive grounds for no apparent reason. You couldn't remember where you were going or why in the world you wanted to go there. You were just thinking. Eventually you came to a suitable looking wall and you perched on it as you considered all that had happened so far. A new world, a new place, a new... home. Because this place was like a home to you now. You belonged here. There was just something about the way you felt whilst you were here that was like a magnet, drawing you further and further in. You heard someone calling for you and got up.

"Miss (y/n)," Sebastian called. "the young master requested your presence." You felt yourself smile.

"Of course, I'll come right away." You replied getting up and feeling the philosophical weight lift from your shoulders.

That was what was special about this place, the people. Most importantly, the person. You had fallen in love, with none other than you lord, Ciel Phantomhive.

Sebastian {from his POV}

I watched amusedly as (y/n) hurried around the kitchen at top speed. Nowhere near as fast as my top speed of course, but that was rather beside the point. As I watched I spotted a pattern to her movements, they were similar to that of a Cat. She never did anything without reason, it was one of the things I found amusing about her. I heard a call which jerked me out of my trance. She was standing in front of me waving a feather duster in my face.

"Hello? Earth to Sebastian?" she called. "what's up? You look so serious, mightn't it be nice to smile for once?" I did.

"Yes, you're quite right!" I replied. She turned around and leaned on the counter.

"You know Sebastian, I've been wondering," she said. "you say demons cant love, but you love cats right?" I nodded. "well, if there was a human who had all the properties you love about cats, would it not stand to reason that you could love them too?" I blinked.

Me, a demon? Fall in love with a human? But then I realised, I already had. I smiled at her.

"Cats have a strange way of knowing things that humans don't," I replied. "so a human couldn't possibly have all the traits I love about cats. Not one from this world any way." And with that I headed back to work.

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