|-/ The Beginning |-/

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<C I A R A S P O V>
After 13 years of not being wanted , self harming and depression it's finally time to write the good bye note, but it's not like they would care anyway...
Dear Mother and Father,
By the time you are reading this I will be gone and finally pout of your lives like you always wanted as I am ofcourse using your words a "mistake", I can't take it any more so I'm going to the bridge like the bullies at school tell me to do I'm actually going to listen and go ahead with it.
Ther is no point coming and looking for me even tho I highly doubt you would any way. But this is good bye
-Ciara Y/L/N (Your mistake)
I had written to this whilst listening to my favourite bands for the very last time.
I put the letter on the table in the kitchen and put my P!ATD hoodie on and left to the bridge.
|-/ -•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-• |-/
By the time I got to the bridge it was 12 am I was just ready to get this over with and go up to heaven away from all the pain and horror of the world.
I stepped up onto the railings and sat down for a bit sobbing quietly wondering how did my life end up so bad that I'm here?
I stood up on the railings and held onto the edge so I didn't fall in yet.
"Dear every one who knows me or has met me I'm sorry but it's not like you care,all the bullies that have told me to do this and my parents that have beaten me black and blue i wish to never see any of you again but this is good bye"I spoke out loud I let go of the edge bit and got myself ready to jump In when I felt a strong grip pull me off and pull me into their arms...
<T Y L E R S P O V>
It was 11:30 pm and I just couldn't sleep so I decided I would go for a walk near the bridge to clear my mind.
When I got near the bridge I heard someone sobbing naturally I walked closer to see what it was but when I did I was in shock I saw a girl no older than 14 sitting on the railings of the bridge I waited and watched being careful not to frighten her when I saw her stand up I felt my heart sink she grabbed on the edge to stop herself from falling and started talking about her parents and bullies wanted her to do this she let go of the edge and got ready to jump in that's when I ran over and pulled her off and pulled her into a tight hug and said whilst slightly sobbing
"Don't do it please you have so much to live for"
She looked up at me and gasped I saw her hoodie and realised she probably knew who I was as she listened to P!ATD
"W-why Tyler di-did you s-stop me?" She said whilst sobbing hard
"Because I wouldn't just stand there and at her you waste your life" I replied
"my parents abuse me they wouldn't care no one cares about me"
She said whilst burying her head into my hoodie whilst I gently rubbed her back.
"I care about you" I replied softly
She laugh a tiny bit and said
"You don't even know me"
"Well then let's get to know eachother im Tyler Joseph but you probably already knew that"
She nodded and replied
"I'm Ci-Ciara, Ciara Y/L/N"
What a pretty name, she continued with
"I get abused at home and beat up and bullied at school so I d-decided I would just end its all that's how I'm here" she said whilst sobbing harder.
I started to sing Truce to calm her down which worked..
Now the night is coming to an end
The sun will rise and we will try again
Stay alive, Stay alive for me
You will die
for now you life is free
take pride In what is sure to die...
I will fear the night again
I hope I'm not my only friend
Stay alive, Stay alive for me
You will die
For now your life is free
Take pride in what is sure to die.....
I looked down at the fragile girl in my embrace to see her softly asleep with a tear stained face.
Chapter one done! I hope you enjoyed it xx
❗️V O T E❗️
🔥C O M M E N T🔥
👌🏻S H A R E👌🏻
Word count:810

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