Chapter 1

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Guys, I'm going to make all of the exo members, the same age in this fan fiction, okay?



"What are your plans for this upcoming summer?" Baekhyun's best friend, Kyungsoo, asked him. Baekhyun thought about what Kyungsoo asked and looked out the window like he was deep in thoughts.

"Maybe, I'll spend more time with my family or study." He mumbled. Kyungsoo heard what he said and just rolled his eyes.

"You really are a geek, Byun Baekhyun. What about your boyfriend? Aren't you gonna spend more time with him?" Kyungsoo asked while looking at Luhan's side, who was on the phone with his boyfriend, Oh Sehun. Damn, I'm the only one who's single from our group. That stupid Jongin doesn't even bother on asking me if I like him or not. He just confessed and didn't talk to me anymore. What a bastard. On the other hand, Baekhyun was taken aback by his friends question. He really loved the fact of spending time with his boyfriend rather than being with his family, and studying all summer inside his room. He quickly nodded to himself and dialed his boyfriend's number.

"Hey Baekkie, Wassup?" Chanyeol asked from the other line, Baekhyun giggled by his boyfriends cute language.

"I was thinking-"

"You were thinking about me?" Chanyeol cutted him off, Baekhyun blushed and he knew that Chanyeol was smirking from the other line.

"Stop smirking, you stupid yoda!" Chanyeol can't help but chuckle at how cute his boyfriend was. Chanyeol really loves teasing Baekhyun.

"Your stupid yoda, hehe." Baekhyun Face palmed. "So why'd you call?" Chanyeol asked.

There was a long pause for a second. Chanyeol thought that his boyfriend went mute or his phone went off, since there was only 3% left. He checked his phone and he saw that Baekhyun was still on line. He asked again then Finally, Baekhyun had the guts to talk.

"Uhm, d-do you have plans this summer?" At first, Baekhyun was hesitating to ask, but Chanyeol just grinned. Few seconds of silence, and Baekhyun broke it. "Ah nevermind, I'll just ask Ky-"

"No." Chanyeol replied blankly. He was happy a few seconds ago, but when he heard the name of Baekhyun's friend (Well not really the full name, but you know what I mean) his mood suddenly went down. He knows that they're just friends but Chanyeol can't help, but feel jealous and possessive towards his boyfriend.

"Really?" Baekhyun asked again. This is my time to ask him out. Baekhyun thought because it was always Chanyeol who asked Baekhyun first, so this was the first time he asked Chanyeol on a date. A very very long summer date, that is. "So uhm, can-" He was about to ask him out, but he heard Junmyeon's voice on the other line.

"HEY GUYS! LET'S GO TO THE BEACH THIS SUMMER!" That's what he heard, and there were screams and laughters from the guys. Specifically from, Sehun and Jongin. "Can you guys shut up? jeez. Yes Baekkie? What was that again?" Okay. I'll back out. Baekhyun thought.

"Ah nothing. I was just going to tell you to have a great summer with the guys! bye!" Then Baekhyun ended the call. Chanyeol was silent for a second, but soon came back to his senses and slammed his phone on his chair which caused everybody to quite down and look at him. He gave them his coldest stare and walked out of the room. Everybody felt terrified from Chanyeol's gaze. They weren't used to seeing the Happy Virus like that.

Chanyeol went to the rooftop where the school's garden is and sat on a bench. He knew that Baekhyun was going to ask him out, but his stupid friends had to shout the news. Chanyeol was aware that Baekhyun doesn't want him to be out of place with his friends, so when there'll be trips or outings with them, Baekhyun will simply say yes. Baekhyun trusts Chanyeol, and the yoda is thankful for the midget.

"Stupid Sehun. Stupid Jongin. Stupid Grandpa. Stupid squad." He cursed and cursed his friends name when suddenly he heard the door of the rooftop open. He looked up and saw his boyfriend looking at him with a pouting face. Chanyeol's gaze softened when he saw him, and instantly smiled.

"Baekkie? What are you doing here?" He asked. Baekhyun sat beside his boyfriend and sighed. He didn't answer at first, and continued swaying his feet which wasn't touching the ground. Chanyeol found it cute.

"Channie." Baekhyun broke the silence, without looking at Chanyeol's face. Chanyeol hummed and again asked what was wrong. How did his boyfriend know that he was at the school's rooftop? Well, let's just say a certain guy told Baekhyun's friend, (Luhan) about Chanyeol's change of mood. *cough* Sehun. Sehun and Luhan was like the paparazzi of their school. So whenever there'll be big news, they will share the information to each other and you'll be surprised that it'll be the school's topic the next day.

"Why did you get angry at them?" Baekhyun asked, Chanyeol's lips formed a thin line.

"I didn't. I was just pissed." He replied. Baekhyun looked at the giant and he saw his boyfriend having a grumpy face while looking at the bird. If looks could kill, then the bird would've been dead by now.

Baekhyun instantly touched his boyfriend's cheeks using his right hand and Chanyeol's eyes widened at the sudden contact. He looked at Baekhyun's face and all he could think was beautiful. Chanyeol always described Baekhyun as a Goddess because of it's God like features. Ok, maybe he's exaggerating, but that's what he sees Baekhyun in his eyes. Chanyeol closed his eyes, and also touched Baekhyun's hand that was on his cheeks and smiled. He always liked it when Baekhyun does this kind of stuff. It makes him feel warm inside.

"Channie, please tell me what's wrong." Baekhyun said. Chanyeol opened his eyes, and all he could see was Baekhyun's worried expression. Chanyeol smiled a bit more, he also liked it when Baekhyun worries for him. It's a sign that Baekhyun cares for the giant. Chanyeol patted Baekhyun's head.

"It's nothing. It was just a sudden change of mood" He said, but Baekhyun's face showed that he didn't believe what his boyfriend told him, so Chanyeol gave up and told him the truth. "Ok fine. It's because of your phone call a while ago. I know that you were going to ask me out, but you heard one of my friends announcement about us going to the beach, and you just told me to have fun." Chanyeol pouted, and Baekhyun chuckled at his boyfriend.

"You know that I want you to have fun with your friends, right?" Chanyeol nodded, but again pouted. Baekhyun suddenly thought of a great idea. "How about this, I'll come with you to the beach this summer" Chanyeol lifted his head, and you can see sparks on his eyes.

"Really? YES! You can also bring your friends if you want" Chanyeol said cheerfully and hugged his boyfriend.

"I'm gonna bring Kyungie and Lulu" Chanyeol nodded and pecked his boyfriend's lips.

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