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Eyes wide with terror, I knew only one thing: I had to save her. My best friend. The one who often saved me from the bully Chloe's awful words. The one who believed in superheroes, and in turn, me. Alya, whose confidence was contagious.

"Alya!" I screamed in utter horror.

I then realized that I could do something. I looked down to my bag. Tikki's eyes pleaded with me not to, but despite her silent warning I barely breathed the words. "Spots on".

In an instant I was on the bottom floor having jumped and soared with a tight grip on my weapon. I slid and kneeled next to her, my two fingers immediately reaching for her neck.

A steady throbbing touched my fingertips. I felt the most intense rush of relief I ever had in my life. She was alive.

"What happened?" I asked Nino, who was about to stand up behind me. He just stared at me, trying to process what he had just witnessed. "Nino!"

I looked deeply into his shocked hazel eyes. "U-Um right. Sh-she uh fell b-back and hit her head when the evil dude came through here. I s-saw him pass through here, just grabbing people and s-stuff." He held up Alya's broken pair of glasses. I cradled them in my hand.

I gently lifted Alya's head to see if there was any blood. There wasn't. She was okay. I released a breath that I didn't know that I was holding. "She'll be okay, Nino." I said while trying to comfort him and myself in the process. "She should be waking up any minute now."

"Thank you," he looked uncertain for a moment and then finished the sentence with my civilian name. "Marinette."

I nodded, looking down in embarrassment. Did I overreact? I thought. Probably.

"Nino, I need you to stay with her while Chat Noir and I look for the person who did this." Saying Chat's name made me glance over to him. I met his startling emerald eyes and quickly looked back to Nino. "Which way did he go?"

After Nino had pointed, I beckoned Chat Noir to come down. We walked away from Nino and out of earshot. Chat looked like he was pondering what to say; he was totally zoned out.

I didn't know how to start this conversation. He was probably let down by the fact that the girl he obviously liked turned out to be me, the extremely clumsy, forgetful girl that was full of self consciousness and self doubt. "I know that I'm probably not who you expected to be Ladybug, and you're probably disappointed-"

I was cut off by his arms that pulled me into a tight embrace. I said nothing after that, but he did. "You could never be a disappointment to me."

He gently held me somewhat closely with his hands on my shoulders just as he had done just moments before. I watched his every move. Now it was my turn to stare. His faith in me made me shocked. I didn't know if I should be flattered or in denial of his statement.

He looked at me with those gem-like eyes that seemed to glow. "So how 'bout it, partener, you ready to go catch the bad guy?"

The Film That Changed It All: A Watching Miraculous FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now