Butterflies! Those Darn Pests!

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I was not liking this plan. Not one bit.

Marinette was my friend. I didn't want her to get hurt. Ladybug had insisted that it was the only way. I wasn't sure if I was on the same page. Sure, I wanted to catch the villain, but if it meant that my friends might get hurt, then I wasn't so sure.

I quietly slipped out of Marinette's room through the hatch that leads up to her roof after saying a quick thanks and goodbye. It amazed me that she was so willing.

When I reached my house, I slipped in through the window. I hoped that Natalie or my father didn't notice my absence. But of course my father wouldn't notice. He hardly ever came out of his office.

I didn't have any photo shoots this afternoon, so I decided to go on patrol early. With a quick, "Claws out" I jumped out my window once again.

I swept by the Eiffel Tower and by Marinette's bakery. I stopped at the park. I heard sobbing, and I turned my head just in time to see a little girl who had bumped into a man with a metal briefcase. She had hit the briefcase on accident and was crying because of the impact. The man, however, had grown angry. The contents of his briefcase were scattered around the area.

My eyes widened as they surveyed the scene. I was too late. An akuma had flown and merged itself into the metal container. I saw the man grin evilly. "I am Metal Man! No one shall ever shove by me again! Everyone will fall by my hand!" He exclaimed.

This was bad. Very, very bad. We already had one villain to deal with, why couldn't this one leave Ladybug and I alone?

I tried to call Ladybug, but she wouldn't answer. Surely she would come along soon. Until then, I would have to keep Metal Man occupied. I charged the man. I swung my baton at his legs, trying to sweep him off his feet, but he caught the weapon with his bare hand. He caught my powerful blow. With one hand.

I looked down to see that his arm had turned to metal. My eyes widened in fear of his power. While his first hand kept my baton clutched tight, the other shoved at me with an immense force. I flew backwards many feet in the air.

I heard a familiar voice yell, "Chat!" just before darkness seeped into my eyes.


"Chat Noir!" She wore worry on her face. I squinted. "Chat! Are you okay?"

"M'lady," I said simply with a grin. "you're always worrying about me."

"Chat..." She trailed off with tears accumulating in her eyes. She shoved me a bit. "Don't you ever scare me like that again!"

"Anything you say, M'lady." I gazed at her, trying to sooth her. "Anything."

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