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~Mary's POV~

Where am I?

All I remember is that I was taken by someone.

The Magcon fangirls huh?


I open my eyes and see a tv. A nice one!

Whoever took me must be rich.

"You're awake." I hear from a familiar voice.

"Carter?" I say.

"Guess again," Cam's face pops into my view.

"CAMERON?!?! You kidnapped me???" I scream.

"No I just rescued you. Your arm is broken and so is your leg in 3 places."

"Geez, they really love you. BANG!" I say.

"Where is everyone else?" I ask.

"Still at Magcon," he says and smiles.

"So this is your house?" My eyes are barely open.

"This is the hospital? Silly Mary," he laughs.

"Well let's get going to Magcon!" I say and try to get into my wheelchair.

"Hey eager beaver! Slow down. Wheelchairs aren't fun, trust me."

"I have to see everyone."

Cameron agrees and we roll to the car.

~~~~~~The Car~~~~~~~~

I hop into the front seat.

"So why did you only save me?" I ask.

"You were closest to me." That's not a good reason.


"Ok, ok, I'm going!" he says, "You're handicapped now, I can't go 100 miles per hour!" he says looking at me.

"I'm not handicapped I'm fine," I cross my arms in front of my chest.

"Sure, ok."

We arrive at Magcon and Cameron helps me out of the car into my chair.

"Thanks," I say.

I push myself into the back door.

"MARY!" Maria shouts. "Where were you?" She asks.

"Were you kidnapped?"

"What happened?"

So many questions.

"Actually," I start, "Cameron kidnapped me."

They all gasp.

I see that Olivia is in a wheelchair too. Caroline and Maria are on crutches.

They later found out that Maria has a broken foot and Caroline fractured her knee.

We are in trouble!

Carter pushes through the crowd.

"Mary are you okay?" he asks.

"Do I look okay?" I sarcastically say. "Ya I'm pretty good."

"Awesome. I was worried," he says.


Caroline puts her hand on her heart and looks at me.

Me and Olivia bump chairs and laugh.

"You know what this means right?" Hayes asks.

Everyone shouts, "WHEELCHAIR RACE!!!!!"

Me and Olivia exchange glances. Oh boy!

Carter pushes me and Jack G. pushes Olivia.

Maria and Caroline crutch their way over with the help of Matt and-- ok then. Matt and Caroline are making out. How nice.

Nash is assisting Maria.

We stop at a ramp.

"READY? GO!" Aaron yells.

We wheel as fast as we can. Ahead we see a turn.

We just learned how to go STRAIGHT in a wheelchair! I'm not ready for a turn!

Me and Olivia scream and are about to crash and break more bones.

I am ready to die.

I cover my face and my wheelchair stops.

I look over and Jack G. has stopped Olivia.

He kisses her head.

BANG! Everyone is being very-- Whoop! There goes Maria and Nash, they start to touch lips.

I look up and Carter is holding my wheelchair.

"IT'S A TIE!" Jack J shouts.

"UGH! THAT'S BULL!!!!!" Taylor yells.

They all murmur and walk away.

Carter kisses me and then wheels me up the rap.

Olivia and Jack start kissing.

Oh my GOODNESS! Everyone is--

Carter locks lips with me.

Things are getting weird.

What is going on?

~The next day~

I wake up feeling good.

I can see Olivia dancing around our NEW HOTEL ROOM! Yes we finally found one. Olivia is going crazy.  "I kissed Jack! I kissed Jack!" she sings.

"Matthew Espinosa is my BAE! Matthew Espinosa is my BAE!" Caroline prances around.

"Nash! Nash! Nash! I love Nash! Nash!" Maria chants.

We get up to go see the boys.

We walk to their room and knock.

"I have a key from Matt," Caroline says and steps forwards.

We get in.

Their stuff is gone.

Their beds are made.

They are gone.

SURPRISE! (Magcon story)Where stories live. Discover now