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JISOOa paint class student

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

a paint class student.
doesn't go home when everyone does, instead she stayed at the class and paint on the spot where the ray of the setting sun crept in and onto her canvas. never forget to add her mixtape into the radio and play it out loud before she paints. make fun of her own paintings but lowkey admires it so much. enjoys stains of paint on her skin and clothes.

the sculpting class student.
issa freak over greek and roman mythologies especially their statues. try to comprehend abstract art statue and write the results on her journal.
gets super shy when her sculpture is being complimented and ends up accidentally knocked it down to pieces.
sing while she sculpt.

well, rosé said her hobby include drawing once, so yEs she's in drawing class.
watches anime a LOt and have stacks of "how to sketch" books in her room. comic books are stacked neatly on the shelf that it actually looked like a whole library of mangas. use earphones and play indie musics while she sketch and most of her notebook is filled with doodles.

the crafting class student.
makes useless junks and called each and every one of them an "abstract" masterpiece. even when she made a mistake, she doesn't throw it away since she thinks its precious and its ART. she's also secretly an amateur street artist. scrawled her shoes and bags because, again, its ART. visit yard sales for vintage merchandise.

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