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requested by jhopesmainhoe

JISOOdates are cuddling on the couch on a rainy day as they watch 90s romcom movies

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

dates are cuddling on the couch on a rainy day as they watch 90s romcom movies. don't really go out together unless for food. eat barbecues together and take a relaxing walk in the park in the evening.
they dont do cheesy stuffs cause they both know they hate it. she sometimes just talk with him all day long until her jaws fall off but she loves it anyway. at first they're shy and holding back at the first 30seconds but they'll just do stupid things and laugh at each other.

go out every night together. its either shopping, cinema, or restaurant. she likes to do aegyo, especially when she's hungry. honestly she's just naturally cute.
fancy dinner every thursday night because why not??
she's the kind to have an older and cool boyfriend that watches her behavior with a smile on his face. holding hands since first date cuz she's fierce af

that sweet gf who brings her boyfie strawberry and honey sandwiches for lunch along with a box of banana milk. tries to stay as lowkey as possible but let's be honest theyre the cutest couple of the school. she will tell him everything that happened to her throughout the day with pure excitement and she will laugh at all of his jokes. cuddling in the karaoke and riding a bicycle together along han river as dates.

they see them rollin they hatin
the swaggy dumbass couple that people lowkey sHIP AF. wear cool and fancy clothes but act like two chimpanzees on a loose. she will prolly drag him along clothes and make up shopping, challenge him a dance battle when they're bored, and go crazy at the club all night long. she acts like as if she thinks he's a dumbass in front but actually she adores him deeeeeeeeepply and don't worry,
he knows it too.

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