Burning chills

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It wasn't everyday you see a boy running with muscular arms, long luscious hair, and the face of an angel. Well I mean there are probably a lot of boys like that but not at my school. And I have my eye on him. I'm Kayla and this is my story of a stuck love story.

I have one friend in high school, Petite Cookie, her real name is Melissa but I call her that because she is short and loves sweets. High School sucks but I've liked this guy who makes me kinda happy. I'd be better if he wasn't dating some girl. His name is Ben Bruce. He just makes me feel happy inside I guess. Which is rare for a girl like me with severe depression.

*Senior year*.

"Damn" I say to a girl I run with in track "That boy has a serious thing going on"

"Ben?" She says pointing towards a guy running shirtless.

"Yes. Him. Hot."

"Ha, Kayla. You're such a flirt."

"I'm just saying that guy is HOT"

*Next week*

I see that boy again from the track. Cute. He is in the same room as me, the room where people go when they get hurt and can't run with the team.

"Hi I'm Kayla" I smile at him


"Whatcha in for"

"Knee pain."

"Damn. Me too"

Then we kinda just chat and get to know each other

*Next week*

"Ouch!" I cry out in pain

"Kayla? What happened?" Ben says running to my side

"My knee is messing with my calf"

"Can you walk" he says helping me up

"Ouch!" I cry out again. "Nope."

"Jump on my back" He says bending down

"No man. I can make it" I say limping towards the school in pain

"Come on" He begs

"Fine." I say jumping up. He is really warm. I think I may be starting to like this boy.

Months pass by as Ben and I get closer.

*Graduation Week*

I limp onto stage and get my diploma, shaking my teacher's hands.

"I'm going to miss you Ben" I say giving him a hug at the after party

"One day I hope to find you again" He says handing me a beer

"I hope" I mumble. Then he goes to join his other friends. Petite Cookie comes up to me and leans up against the wall.

"I hate everyone here" I say picking up a beer from the cooler beside me and giving it to her

"Me too. Except the guy I have had a crush on for a few weeks"

"Ooooo. Spill"

"Ben Bruce" She says pointing to Ben who is laughing with his friends.

"Haha. Good choice" I say uncomfortably

"I'm leaving for Pre medical school tomorrow." I say blankly

"I still have no clue what I want" She says sadly. I pat her on the back.

"I gotta go. But you know how to skype right? I am only like a few states away but we need to stay in touch"

"Yeah. I'll skype you all the time"

"Great. To medical school." I say holding up my beer

"To having no clue" Petite Cookie say clinking hers together with mine

"See ya"

"See ya" She says and I leave for my car.

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