Chapter Twenty-Four:

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*Minho's POV*

Bada and I wonder around the forrest not really doing the project – I would say or talking to one another, but Miss Blabber Mouth won't shut up. I begin to rub my temples trying to calm myself down. This isn't how this was suppose to happen. I was meant to do this with Jia, but Bada just had to butt in for no reason.

"Mino! Did you even hear me!" Her high pitch voice snaps me out of my thought.

"No," I reply. "And I don't care about whatever you said."

"Why would you say that?" She gasps.

"Because it's true. I never wanted to sit with you on the bus ride here or be your partner for this absolutely stupid project!" I shout at her. "I don't even get why you, all of the sudden, are all over me."

Her eyes become glossy and she begins to pout. "Then why are you on this field trip?"

"For one person-"

"Don't say her name," Bada warns me.

"Woo Jia. She's the only reason why I came on this field trip and go to school now." I smirk.

She begin to walk closer to me, so I back up. "Why do you like her? She's not even your type. I am! Why don't you like me the way you like Jia? What's so special about her anyway?" Bada rants.

"She's so much nice than you'll ever be," I state. "She actually cares about people and their feelings, she's kind, mature, and just a wonderful person to be around."

We hear a rustling in the bushes, Jia is there looking for someone or something. Before I could call out her name, Bada takes the opportunity to kiss me.

"I thought you liked me," Jia says.

I pushes Bada off of me and stare at her. "Jia this isn't what it looks like," I say.

"D-Don't talk to me," Jia mumbles. She dashes away from us.

I'm about to chase after her, but I'm stopped. I glance down at Bada, she looks so broken. "What?" I ask.

"Don't leave me," she begs with tears in her eyes.

I let out a chuckle. "Why?"

"I love you," she says.

I wiggle my arm out of her grip and stare at her. "No you don't, it's just a crush," I tell her.

Then, I begin to chase after Jia. I follow her tracks to this big oak tree. She's currently in a ball crying, her hands over her face. My heart just breaks at the sight. I never wanted to hurt her, but I accidently have.

I walk over to her, wrap my arms around her and pull Jia close to me. "G-Go away," Jia mumbles into my chest.

"Jia, just talk to me, please," I tell her.

"I-I don't want to t-talk to you," she cries.

"Then don't talk and just listen to me," I say, as cliché as it is. "What you saw back there with Bada means nothing to me. She forced me to kiss her. Bada has this strange idea that I like her, but I don't. She means absolutely nothing to me." I tighten my hold of her, I don't want her to leave me.

"I don't believe you. You kissed her. You kissed her!" Jia shouts. She begins to beat on my chest. I don't let go because if this is going to help her feel better then I'll let it happen. "Why would you do that? I like you so much!"

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