Chapter Seven:

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I sit anxiously in my seat waiting for my group to be called to present. 'How am I suppose to present the poster when I can't even sit here waiting? I can do this.'

"Up next is Song Minho, Pyo Jihoon and Woo Jia," the teacher says.

'I can do it.'

I walk up to the front of the classroom with our notes, I hand the cards out to the others and take a deep breath. I scan over the entire class. Everyone's eyes are on me, that gets my anxiety going. I begin to shake as Jihoon starts to read his notecards.

I turn to look at him and then at Minho, he smiles at me. 'I can do this.'

Minho then starts to speak his part of the presentation.

'I can do this.' I keep reminding myself.

Minho stops speaking and glances to me to finish up the presentation. I stare at my notecard and all of the words on the card jumble together. "Um..." I look around the room and then back at the notes. "The s-start of um.. um..." I freeze and look between Jihoon and Minho.

Minho comes next to me and begins to read what I have on the card. He finishes the presentation and the three of us walk back to our seats.

There are only a few more presentation to sit through. The bell rings for the class to ends. Every group that went today, hands their posters in before leaving the room. I pack up my things and walk over to Minho.

"Thank you for what you did during the presentation," I say to Minho.

"What?" He looks down at me with a smile.

"Woo Jia and Song Minho can you come here," our history teacher calls us.

Minho sighs as we walk over to the teacher.

"Yes sir?" I say, once we reach him.

"I would like to say that I am happy that Minho here actually participated in the project and helped you out. You did very well Jia, maybe next time you can actually use your voice to recite your part," he tells us.

I nod my head and Minho huffs.

"Song Minho, I hope to see you here more often."

"I think you will," Minho says. His smile from before turns into a smirk.

"Alright, have a good lunch and see you two tomorrow."

"You too sir." I nod, go to my desk and grab mine and Minho's lunch. The teacher leaves and it is just the two of us in the room. I twirl around and see the tall boy extremely close to me.

"Wh-what?" I stutter. I feel a blush begin to creep into my face.

Minho has a smile spread across his face, his pure white teeth showing themselves. "You're talking to me," he hums.

I stare at the ground. "That's right," I mumble.

"You feel comfortable around me now," he beams.

I begin to bite my lower lip as my heart picks up. I nod my head in response and hand him his lunch. "No, no, no! You can't go backwards," he panics.

"Right," I say. "Want to go to lunch now?" I glance towards the door like it's my savory.

Minho smiles and takes the lunch box from me. "Let's go." We walk out of the room and down to the cafeteria in silence.

"What are you doing this weekend?" Minho asks out of the blue.

"I don't know; why?" We walk into the crowded cafeteria and sit at an empty table.

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