Fix Me Up! (A Steve Randle Love Story/Outsiders Fan-Fic)

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I drove to the DX in search of a job. I'm not exactly new to town but I wasn't born here, which means I didn't have all my life to make friends, learn how to fit in or any of that stuff. All I really know is how to be myself. However my dad says that's a bad thing, and that I'll die lonely that way, which is probably true but my main goal in life is to graduate high school then live until I die. Nothing spectacular like most the socs have planned. The socs are the upper class, rich kids on the other side of town.  I don't really see why they have a future planned for themselves,  considering they are so rich they might never have to work a day in their lives. Maybe they just do it for bragging rights. I thought about that for a while before I just dropped the whole topic, leaving my mind blank. I do that a lot.

I then remembered where I was going and why. Gotta focus, gotta go in the DX and get a job or else you'll have to be a prostitute. I thought, reminding myself of why the job is so important. My dad has always told me since the day I was born that a month after I turned 16 I better have a job and be bringing home money. He didn't mean it to be mean or anything it's just that I have two older siblings, one that my dad is somehow affording to put through college and won't work in order for him to focus on his grades. My other older sibling is to lazy and rebellious to get a job. He's a drop out and the definition of no-good-hood.  When he comes home he just fights and when he's away he's working on getting arrested again.  "Dumb ass Matt." I mumbled as I  turned into the small service station,  parking the car. 

"What can I help you with?" A worker by the name Sodapop asked, walking out of.the station. I jerked my thumb towards the help wanted sign in the window, pulling off my black sunglasses with my other hand to reveal my sparkling, light blue eyes. "I was wondering if y'all were still hiring." I said more than asked as the boy who looked about 16, looked me up and down, taking in my blue jeans, black tank top and my black leather jacket. A gust of wind blew my curly long brown hair as I waited for his answer. "Ummm yes we are but we were looking for another mechanic-" He started when I cut him off. "That's excellent,  I'm great with cars!" My statement made him look at me funny. "You are, huh? How 'bout this,  Steve is in the garage working on a car, why don't you go talk to him and tell him that I want you to fix the car while he watches you. That way we'll just see how good you are." He said, half sarcastically.  I couldn't believe my ears. He doesn't believe me! I thought,  saying, "Fine sounds like a fair deal."

I made my way towards the garage, entering the door on the side. "Ummm.... Are you Steve?" I asked a person hunkered over a car with the hood up. "That's what it says on my name tag." He answered, fully focused on the car. "Ok, good now step aside you look frustrated when it's really actually easy." I told him, stepping up beside him then grabbing the tools out of his hands, starting to fix it. He watched me with wide eyes as I finished it up within fifteen minutes. "There, now start her up." I said, pulling away from the car and putting the hood down. He did as I told him to, climbing inside the car and cranking it up. The engine started right away with no problem. "What- This is unbelievable!  Where'd you learn to do that?!" He asked, in disbelief. "I taught myself." I answered simply. "I came here to apply for a job, but when I spoke to Sodapop he told me to come in here and show you what I could do. Do you think I'm good enough?" I explained, looking at him hopefully. He looked back at me, in disbelief. "Seriously!? This car had me stumped and you figured it out! Look, I'm gonna tell the boss about you.  Say, what's your name?" He said. "Oh yeah I forgot to introduce myself! Sorry! I'm Joe.... Well Joanna but Joe for short." I told him,  totally embarrassed now.

"Is it ok if I tell him your a guy and your name is Joe? I mean, your beautiful and amazing but he will most likely hire guys." Steve asked, while getting the application. "Of course, anything that gets me the job. Thank you for helping me." I answered, following him inside a office. He smiled up at me and I really got to see his face for the first time in the better lighting. He looked tough with dark hair and a missing tooth, wearing his blue button up DX shirt open over his white tight fitted man tank top, which went great with his blue jeans. My jaw nearly dropped at how hot he was. Suddenly he smiled at me and my heart melted. "Ya alright there?" He asked, finally finding the paper. "Uhh ummm... I mean yes!" I said quickly, blushing at how big of a fool I was making out of myself.

"Alright, here fill these out. Oh and by the way I have a girlfriend but I hope we can be best friends." He told me, handing me the papers with a pen as he walked out of the room. I felt my heart sink into the ground.  Girlfriend... Of course.  Wait! What am I thinking! I don't need him! I don't need a boyfriend. Shoot, he wants to be my best friend and that's good enough. Strange thought. I thought about how it will be to have a friend. The idea seemed strange. Not being alone for once in my life will most certainly be different but I think I'll like it.

A/N: all rights go to S.E.Hinton and all the character have the same looks as in the movie. I'll update all my book soon this week because dumb dumb me injured my back. Oh and this was fan requested so I hope all of y'all like it. :) :D TTYLXOX, Love, Sweetpea!

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