Heart Break Hotel

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After that we went to the garage to start working, despite the fact he was still crying. "Joe, why is the world so messed up?" He asked, looking up at me after we worked a few hours.  "I don't know, but boy I wish I did." I answered,  wiping some oil off my hands with a rag then tossing it over to Steve who caught it and did the same. "If you did know you'd be the richest person in the world." He responded, chuckling a little through his tears. His statement made me giggle with him. It's funny how the most truthful things in life are the funniest to an extent. Like how caviar is raw fish eggs and the face people make when they learn that is priceless. See, that's funny and true.

"Do you think someone will find a answer to that somday?" He asked, walking over to the small break area in the corner of the room and taking a seat on the old, beat up, tan couch. I shrugged and took  a seat beside him. "Maybe, you never know." I answered before he absent-mindedly wrapped his arm around me and sighed. "If you ever get the answer you'll tell me, right?" He said, looking at me with a questioning look on his face. "Of course." I responded, gazing into his eyes. He's so perfect. I thought as he pulled me a little closer. The garage was completely empty by now and Soda was making out with some girl named Sandy in the office. I need to snap out of this! I tried to stop my heart from fluttering around in my chest, doing summersaults. My lips longed for his but at the same time all these feelings frightened me making me want to remove the thought of him from my mind. Yet at the same time I wanted to keep him in my heart and on my.

Suddenly his lips curved into a frown again and his eyes got that watery glaze to them again. "I don't think I can ever fall in love again... I loved her so much and she just up and left. I still don'tunderstand." He declared just when he  started crying again and rested his head on my shoulder as I soothingly rubbed his back. Meanwhile my heart shattered. I knew by then it was to late for me. I had already fell for him. "You never know... Maybe someday you will." I said, my voice emotionless. He shook his head against my shoulder, whimpering, "no I won't."

Never had I ever wished to be somewhere else with someone else so bad. His words were killing me now. Though this taught me about how the real world is. Full of pain where no couples lived happily ever after. It was showing me just how pure fictional Romeo and Juliet is. Only their deaths could be real. "What's wrong?" He asked, suddenly pulling away. It was my turn to shake my head now. "Nothing... Absolutly nothing. It's quittin' time, c'mon lets get out of here." I hurriedly changed the topic and gathered my stuff then left without saying another word. I glanced back into the garage once to see Steve's shocked and hurt expression. It wasn't like the hurt earlier this one was much more recent and personal. Though I wasn't gonna worry about him. All I was going to worry about was going to Buck's and getting drunk.

Fix Me Up! (A Steve Randle Love Story/Outsiders Fan-Fic)Where stories live. Discover now