Bonus content: Draft vs Final

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Okay so here is a bit from Hayden's POV in All the Emotions:


Hayden's POV

For some reason, it feels like Annie is purposely trying to avoid me. I haven't done anything wrong. Also, it's not like any cameras are on right now, usually when the cameras are off, she is all over me. But now she is playing with Hayley without a care in the world about me. Why is she ignoring me?


Hayden's POV

For some reason, it feels like Annie is purposely trying to avoid me. I haven't done anything wrong and the cameras are all off so she usually talks to me then. Instead, as I look over, she is playing water polo with Hayley. Ever since we got into the pool she has been playing with Hayley and not talking to me. Why is she ignoring me?

Which one do you prefer? Tell me in the comments for feedback! 


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