Snorkelling and Stolen Secrets

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Hayden's POV

I wake up to Hayley and Annie laughing. I look up and notice the conjoining door open. Dad must be in there talking to Mr. Billy. I get up and throw some clothes on, and continuing to wander next door. As soon as I walk in, Annie's smile grew wider.

"Hayden, over here!" She calls, laughing. I sit down next to her. Paige was acting up as usual. That's why they were all laughing. Paige wanders over to me.

"Get ready!" Annie whispers, hiding a laugh. I don't know what is going to happen, but it can't be too bad...

"Aww, wittle Hayden!" She says, grabbing my cheeks and squeezing them.

"Hey! Stop!" Annie says. I begin to think she is protecting me from Paige until she continues. "Only I can say wittle! Say little!" She demands angrily.

"Fine." Paige shouts, letting go of my cheeks and storming off jokingly. I zone out, watching Annie tie her shoes. I wait for her to finish before I tickle her. She falls backwards onto the bed as I continue to tickle her.

"Hayden, stop!" She squeals between laughs, losing breath. I need to buy some time.

"Why?" I ask, buying time. Across the room, Mrs. Katie was filming us. Annie begins to think of a valid answer.

"You should stop because you loveeeee me." She says, still laughing.

"True..." I say, stopping. I quickly sneak a kiss and go back and grab my phone and we all meet up and walk to the café.

Annie's POV


We are on our way to go snorkeling! I am so excited to go. Us four are all squashed in the back but it's not a very long drive so it should be fine. Okay so I will see you guys when we get there! (Shuts off camera)

I am sitting in the back of the car with Rush, Hayley and Hayden. Hayley and I are sitting between Hayden and Rush, I was leaning against Hayden who was leaning against the side of the car. Hayley was asleep on Rush's chest but they see each other as siblings so it is fine.

"I can't believe that you are moving to LA!" Hayden whispers to me with the biggest smile anyone could imagine plastered on his face.

"I know! I am so excited!" I say. "I have already seen the house and it looks amazing."

"What's your address then?" He asks, clearly prepared to come over as soon as we are moved in. I can't tell him this, but it is only a home for when we are in LA for a while... but it is in his apartment building, on the same floor, right next door. Their old neighbors moved out, the ones with a conjoining door to his apartment. I don't think I can tell him yet, so I make something up on the spot to keep him guessing.

"It is a secret for now. I can't tell you yet, no matter how much I want to..." I tell him with a smile. He smiles back and we just look at each other for a while.

"Guys, say hi!" Brooke says, turning herself and the camera around in front of us. She does a double take when she sees us. "Okay, wrong time." She says, noticing Hayley asleep and Hayden and I together. Hayden quickly let go of my hand and we wake Hayley up. I tap Brooke on the shoulder, telling her it's okay now. Brooke turns around and we wave at the camera.

I step out into the water and immediately jump back. Gosh it's cold. We dive down. We are under there for a long time until we see the instructor wave us down to swim back to the shore. We are greeted by the cluster of roosters that scavenge around this part of the coast. We eat and head off back to our hotel. I get into my hotel and take a shower. I then change into some casual, but pretty clothes. I look longingly at my bed. I could just take a nap now, I am so tired. But no. Instead we have to go out again. I walk out of the room and down the corridor. I begin to take the stairs when I hear someone calling me.

"Annie." I hear Brooke call from further behind. I wait for her to catch up to me. I look at her, waiting for her to talk.

"You know how we were playing What are the Odds yesterday?" She asks me. I feel slightly confused.

"Yeah?" I reply, "what about it?" I am really confused.

"Rush told me who his crush is!" She cries.

"Oh my gosh! Tell me!" I demand

"Walk slowly then. We don't want the others to hear. That would be bad." She explains, as we slow down and let the others get well ahead of us.

"Okay, so who is it?" I ask. I want to know. I could probably make it happen.

"You wouldn't believe this but..." Brooke starts. 

A/N: Gosh it's getting warmer over in the Southern Hemisphere! And I thought Winter was never going to end, it started later this year. I am so sorry! I haven't updated all weekend! Gosh I feel so bad! Anyway, I have finished drafting the whole of this book, which goes for a total of 14 chapters. I am starting another book, and also possibly doing a collab book with:

Go check her book 'Hannie' out, it is really good! Anyway, if you want to do a book with me, or you want me to do some editing of your own book, I am glad to help! Love you!


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