The Truth Spreads Quicker than Lies

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Annie's POV

"I know a song that will get on your nerves, get on your nerves, get on your nerves, I know..."

"Shut up!" I yell, laughing, as Hayden repeats his song for the 37th time. Hayden stops abruptly.

"Aww, wittle baby is getting annoyed, is she?" He says softly, laughing. I roll my eyes. Hayden has been going on with his little antics for long enough. Time to tame that lion of a personality he has. Soon. Hayden hugs me, proceeding to kiss me all over my neck and face.

"Stop!" I giggle, kissing him quickly. Hayden looks upset. He gives me those eyes GG gives me when she wants something. It's really hard to resist. I suddenly hear Brec laughing. "What is it Brec?" I ask her.

"I caught all that on the vlog!" She laughs. "You two are so cute."

"Don't post that bit please." Hayden says sharply.

"I wasn't going to anyway." She says, and with that, she wanders over to the adults.

"I was only trying to show Rush that you are mine and mine only." He says, with a hint of jealousy in his voice.

"I know, I was only acting." I say. We had just finished zip-lining. It was so fun, yet also a bit scary. We were now back at the hotel, resting, before dinner. All of us kids were congregating in our room., and the adults were right next door.

"Let's play Truth or Dare!" I suggest. All I hear are yesses. "Okay, Rush, you start." I tell him. Brooke, Hayden and I got together and came up with a plan to catch Rush on who his crush is, and it was about to be let out. The truth.

"Okay, Annie, truth or dare?" He asks me. I can tell he is slightly blushing.

"Truth." I say simply. I will start easy. After, I will begin our plan by asking Brooke, who will ask Hayden. Hayden will then ask Rush the golden question, if he chooses truth. If not, we will do it again. Hayden has to ask Rush the question though, because he has already told Brooke, and it is me so that would be awkward. Luckily, we are all actors, so once he says it, we can act like we never knew.

"Uh, how much out of 10 do you like Hayden?" At this time, I was on my phone, so I texted Hayden, who was also on his phone.

Me: Should I lie to him to help catch him out?

Hayden: Yea you probably should. Great idea.

Me: It will surprise Hayley, Katie, Brennan and Brooke though.

Hayden: We will tell them later when Rush isn't around. I will act too.

"I like Hayden about three out of ten, being honest." I say, as Hayden acts surprised and hurt. Everyone else gasped. Except Brooke. She figured out where we are going with this. She signaled to us that she was going to help us with telling Katie and Brennan. "Brooke, truth or dare?"


"I dare you to go tickle Hayley." I say. She gets up and tickles Hayley. Great distraction. I lean over to Katie and Brennan what is going on. Brooke notices me back at my place, and goes and sits down and asks Hayden one of the most important questions as he has said truth (as per the script)

"If someone tried to steal Annie off you, what would you do?" She recites our pre-prepared line.

"I would first of all, be really upset, but I would probably tell them to back off. I would also watch his behavior around Annie." He recites. I am glad that they all are helping me with this. Especially Brooke, Rush's sister. The time comes for Hayden to ask Rush.

"Rush, truth or dare?"

"Truth" I silently squeal with excitement.

"Who is your true and honest crush?" Hayden asks him. My heart almost stops beating. I am so nervous.

"If I were to be completely honest, it would hurt three people here. Should I really say it?"

"I think you should..." Brooke says calmly. "I think we can withstand it."

"Ok. My crush is Annie. It has been for a while." Hayden looked at me shocked. Oh no.

"I think we need to end this game." Hayden announces. We all get up and Hayden takes me outside. I begin to cry again. I need to stop the crying. I have been crying every day for the past four days.

"He is going to ruin everything!" I cry. "Everything we patched up two days ago!" Hayden hugs me.

"Annie!" we hear a voice call from behind us...

A/N: Okay this is just something of a filler chapter... we already knew what he was going to say... so yeah. I didn't update yesterday so here you go. I have so busy with my assignments from school. At least there is four weeks until the holidays. The next chapter is one of the last ones... so bye love you all!


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