Chapter 14

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HI everyone, thankks for being so patient with me and my slow updating :'( sorry I take forever sometimes, but at least I've been kind enough to give you two updates in two days! haha jkjk but please vote,comment, follow, share, etc.



I think Taylor is curious about me. She always asks me questions such as," why do you knit so much?" and "Why are you here?" and "Do you always sleep this well?" I never know how to answer, though because truthfully I haven't had thoughts of my own in a while. I only hear from my cowardice self-conscious who whispers secrets of my past to me as I sleep. She hides in the back corner of my mind, coming out of her holed up silence when I least expect it. Her voice is so powerful towards me. To some, they would say her voice is weak, a mild whisper, but to me, her soft hum does more damage to me then a holler or shout would. 

I have been watching Taylor very closely, I'm trying to figure out what makes her so sad. I watch the way she always pulls her sleeves over her arms to hide the obvious scars she has marked on herself. They look thick, like she liked the way the pain of the blade slowly dragging across her skin, making a deep cut that seeps out blood ever-so-quickly. Most of the people with scar's like hers have thin scars, like they swiped the blade across quickly, leaving only light scrapes, but Taylor's are different. She is different. 

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Taylor visited me during free time today. She listened to me play Kitchen Sink. I hope she understood what I was trying to tell her. I want her to get out of here. She isn't like me, I deserve to be here, she doesn't. She is too good for this place. She has too much outside of here for herself. I can tell, I can tell there is someone special outside of here that has been waiting for her. I see it in her eyes, they way they glisten with hope when someone in group therapy mentions a boyfriend or girlfriend at home. 

I sometimes see a guy who visits her regularly look at her the way a boyfriend would, but she is fighting feelings, I can tell. I hope she can settle them and maybe I can help. 

Hey guys, sorry i didnt update yesterday, i got super busy! I know this update was short, but I haven't had time, and this will be the last updat in a week. I am going on the 8th grade trip and wont have time to write. But, I will give you guys double updates that are EXTRA long when I get back! thanks so much for being patient with me I love you all! <3 <3 <3 Xx,Carla. (Btw this chapter was sort of an intro to the new characters, and a little bit of a filler chapter, but it was a key to the next events, so pay attention!)

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