2. History project gone wrong

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~November 22nd, Tuesday; 

Kim Hae Won:

I stared at the history teacher with my mouth agape. Did she just say that we'll work in pairs for the next assigment?! How was I supposed to find a partener when everyone in my class ignored me?! 

I looked towards Taehyung's desk, but he wasn't there. Again! Actually, if I were to think about it better, he hasn't been attending class lately. I guess I can't be his partner then...

"Stop gaping at Taehyung's seat. The others will think you're a weirdo." Jimin hissed under his breath.

Yes, he still looked down at me. And I still got pissed off everytime I heard his voice. Even though two weeks had passed since we were deskmates, the both of us hadn't made any progress. We could barely sit next to each other without spitting out two or three insults every morning.

I rolled my eyes, deciding to ignore his unwanted 'advice'. There was no use in trying to make him shut up anyway.

"So...your pair will be your deskmate." The teacher continued earning an equal amount of disappointed sighs and happy smiles.

Jimin's blabbering stopped suddenly. 

"What did she just say?" A shocked expression painted his prince-like features. 

"She said-"

"I know what she said! But how can I possibly be your partner? You'll only drag our grade down."

Well, that could have been said a little nicer, Mr. Park...

"Then why bother asking if you're going to insult me anyway..." Because I was in a horrible mood, I couldn't care less about his whining. All I wanted was to go home and think of some way to find my brother. 

"Tch, I see you're not talking back to me anymore." He scrunched his nose, with a smug look on his face.

I sighed heavily. This guy sure knew how to annoy me. And the problem was that I didn't even understand why he and I were so bitter with each other. However, I couldn't let him get away with his remark. Not after he hurt my ego.

"Don't get too used to it, shortie. I'm just not in the mood to play with my twelve year old deskmate right now." 

Jimin glared at me (like a middle school kid) and his grip around his black-golden pen tightened. 

"I told you to stop calling me shortie, didn't I? And now you're calling me twelve year old kid too? Do you really wish to-"

"Whatever, just tell me where you live." I interupted his inutile chain of complains and continued to take notes for the lesson. If we were going to make the project together, I had to make sure that he realized I wasn't some douche bag who would let him do all the work.

"W-Where I live? For what?! Are you actually one of my admireres. I knew there was something fishy with you. You were acting all grumpy and dismissive because you wanted me to chase after you!" 

I groaned and let my head rest on the cold table. If there was something changed in his behaviour, it would be the fact that he has gotten way more talkative then he had been two weeks ago. Unfortunately.

"Oh god, what do you see me as? A pervert?!" I hissed at him, making him shrug. 

"Well, I don't know. Are you?" the same challenging glint that I was so used to see in his cold eyes sparkled again. 

"I am not." I answered simply. There was no time to lose with his stupid suppositions. I had to take notes. "I just say that we should meet at your house to work on the project. Since there is no one except me in my house this week."

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