3. Piggyback ride to the nearest hospital

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~November 25th, Friday;

Kim Hae Won:

I banged my backpack on the desk and stole a glance at the emtpy seat beside me. Jimin had been absent ever since he stood me up three days ago and it seriously pissed me off. Flicking through the pages of my history book, I let out an exasperate sigh. Even though I had managed to do more than half of the project, I still couldn't submit it to the teacher. Not without Jimin's contribution that is.

"I swear that if I fail this assigment because of him, I'm going to-"

"Hi there, cotton-candy-girl!" Taehyung interrupted my grumbling, as he sat down on his seat, in front of mine. I grimaced, realizing what he had called me and threw him an annoyed glare.

"I'm not some sweet dessert, Kim Taehyung. So stop calling me like that."

He flashed one of his dorky rectangular smiles, totally ignoring my sour mood.

"But almost half of your hair is pink. It makes me crave candies...", he trailed off.

I rolled my eyes at him, while the boy whined about how hungry he got everytime he saw my hair. This wasn't worth my attention now. I had to find a way to get more time for finishing the history project!

Since I was deep in thought, I didn't notice the person who sat next to me, but Taehyung's loud greeting caught my attention.

"Gooood morning, Jiminie!"

The said boy scrunched his nose in annoyance and took his books out of his expensive looking bag. Nevertheless, I guess he still had to act like the heir of an elite family, so he bowed his head slightly towards Taehyung. Without even acknowledging my existence in the seat next to his, Jimin opened one of his books and started reading. I glared at him, but even if he noticed, he didn't show it and continued to flick through the pages.

I moved my gaze away from him, only to see my classmates reading through their own - finished - projects. The history project on my side of the desk reminded me of my incoming bad grade and most of all, my hurt ego. This guy actually had the guts to make me wait for him at school for more than two hours! 'And he still didn't show up at the library even after all that time passed!'

Now he was leisurely reading his book right next to me, without apologizing or at least greeting me and my ego was too big to let all of this go away without a proper explanation. Although...I was almost sure there wasn't one.

Without giving it a second thought, I grabbed the book out of his hands and slammed it on the desk. Both Jimin and Taehyung stared at me in disbelief, not knowing what to think of my outrageous behaviour, but I couldn't care less.

Finally, after he regained his composure, Jimin exhaled deeply and raised one of his eyebrows at me.

"What do you want?", he asked in a bored tone.

I felt the corners of my lips slowly turning upwards in a sarcastic smirk. My blood was boiling under my skin.

"You stood me up three days ago, you left me do all the research for the project alone and never showed up to school until the day we have to submit our work. And you still pretend that you did nothing wrong!"

I answered quickly and with every word I said, my voice got louder and louder, until every student in the class was staring at us. Jimin closed his eyes and pressed his lips in a straight line.

"Tsk, you are such a pain in the neck..."

I widened my eyes when he took a folio case out of his school bag and shoved it into my hands.

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