Part 1

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Genna heard the loud honking of the car outside her apartment. "Hurry up!" Phineas shouted. "Yeah, we're gonna be late if you don't stop messing about in there," came the shout from Cindy.
Genna quickly touched up her make up and hurried down the stairs as fast as she could. After adjusting on her stilettos, she hopped into the red convertible car. "You do realize this is antique right?" Genna said, motioning to the car.

"It may be antique, baby, but it is aesthetic as f-" "Language!" Cindy interrupted. "Now come on, I don't wanna miss all the fun at the party."
Phineas changed gear and pressed on the accelerator.

Several turns past traffic lights and out of the city, they entered the rich suburbs and arrived at the main event. It was a large, beautiful house with a big front lawn and likely a pool in the backyard. Many cars had been parked in front of the house and along the side of the street. Genna heard the loud beat of the music coming from the house.

"I'm surprised the neighbors haven't filed a complaint yet," said Genna. Phineas scoffed, "They've probably done this all the time AND got away with it. Anyway, can't seem to find a parking spot here so I'll drop my ladies off first." Well, at least he's thoughtful, otherwise I might break a heel just by walking such a distance, thought Genna.

We come out of the car, then Phineas speeds off for a parking space without a second thought. On the way up the driveway, we see a young man lying against the wall. Genna slowly walks closer to the man, wondering if he's already drunk and fast asleep. "Hey, what are you doing?! Party's this way," says Cindy.

Genna ignores her and looks him over. She sees a bloody red gash on his left forearm. "Um, I think he needs help. Look!" Cindy comes over and looks at where she's pointing. Cindy brought out her phone and dials 911. Suddenly, the man opens his eyes and grabs Genna's hand. Genna gives a yelp and tries to jump back, but his grip was too strong. "P-please, help me..." he gasped out.

The phone finally gives a reply, "911, what's your emergency?" "Uh, yes there's this guy at this house. I think he's drunk but he has a wound on his arm and he probably needs medical attention." She gives out the house address to them. "Don't worry, the paramedics will be on their way shortly."

"Okay, thank you so much." Cindy hangs up the phone. The man finally let's go of Genna's hand and starts coughing and hacking madly. Genna quickly walks back to where her friend is standing, afraid for the man. Then, he finally stops and goes still. "Is he dead? What do we do now?" asks Genna.

"You know what, its been a weird night. We should just go inside and take our minds off this craziness. Sound good?" Cindy begins to walk to the front door. "Heck yeah," said Genna.

After they go into the house, his body starts writhing on the ground as if he had a seizure. His eyes start to turn a different shade.


They open the front door to reveal many people dancing and jumping wildly to the music along with a group of people chugging down copious amounts of alcohol. They make their way to the keg stands and beer bottles in the kitchen, already wanting to get drunk.

"Hopefully the beer doesn't run out before Phineas gets here," Cindy jokes. Genna raises her plastic cup filled with beer, "Here's to getting drunk and not giving a damn." They both chug down the best beer they've had in a long time.

More strangers start coming in to the house and Genna can't keep track of all the people she has seen. Then, she noticed the guy who was outside earlier walk in. He looks much paler than the last time they saw him. He stumbles a little and bumps into a girl walking past. "Hey, watch where you're going!" Suddenly, he attacks a girl in the living room.

The girl starts screaming as he claws at her hair and bites her shoulder. Everyone in that situation was shocked and backed away. One guy who was brave enough tried shoving the crazy man off her. "Hey, back off, dude!" The crazy man turns to look at him with feral eyes.

The brave man's eyes grew wide with fear. The crazy man then tackles him to the ground. "Help! Get this guy OFF me!" he screams. Some try to help, but more people back away and started screaming in terror.

At that moment, Genna was frozen with disbelief and was not sure what to do. "Um, Cindy...Either I'm already drunk from the beer and seeing things or this is real and we really need to get out of here." Cindy continues to down her drink and ignores whatever she has said. "Ha-ha, very funny Genna." Ok, you are clearly drunk, thought Genna. She grabbed Cindy by the hand and dragged her out of the house through the back door.

"Hey, why are you dragging me? They still have more drinks in the party isn't over yet," complained Cindy with a slight slur on her tongue. "Cindy, I have a bad feeling about this. Where's Phineas?"

"I haven't seen him since he dropped us off. Maybe he's already inside. Come on, don't ruin all the fun for all of us."

More people had run out of the house screaming and into their cars. Genna walked to the side of the house to see what had happened. Several people had started acting like the crazy man and attacked people around them. Genna backed away but accidentally knocked down a flower pot and it clattered to the side. One of the crazy people spotted Genna looking at him. He started running towards her.

Genna panicked and raced back to her friend, who was still standing by the pool. She didn't think twice before pulling her through the wooden gate. "Where the hell are we going now?" "Away from here and away from whatever those people are," said Genna. She turned and saw someone get tackled by the crazy person who was chasing them.

With fear in her heart, she started sprinting but couldn't run fast because of her stilettos. Bright lights were seen along the dark road, and Genna waved at the oncoming car. Maybe hope had finally arrived. The car pulled up and Genna saw a familiar face. It was Phineas, but he was covered in blood and looked pretty disheveled. "Oh, am I glad to see you, handsome," said Cindy. "But what the actual hell happened to YOU?"

"Long story," said Phineas, exasperated. "I'll tell you when we get the heck outta here." Genna and Cindy quickly hopped into the car.

The guy who was chasing them earlier came out the back gate and looked in their direction, giving out a feral growl. He started running toward them. Phineas quickly changed gear and pressed the accelerator, ramming the car right into the man.

The man collided with the car and skidded a few feet in front of the car. Cindy and Genna both gave a loud yelp of surprise and shock. Too stunned to even say a word, Phineas finally broke the silence, "Let's get out of here."

Phineas drove the car away speedily  from the party. Behind them, the growls of both men and women continued after them in hot pursuit while the sounds of an ambulance arrives on the scene.


(A/N: first part is up so hope u all enjoy 😁)

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