Part 2

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Phineas was excited to finally go for a party after several weeks of hard work at his new job. He first picked Cindy and then Genna from their homes in his dad's old but carefully kept convertible. He loved the car that he grew up with since childhood. He usually drove his car downtown to the nightclubs and send his mom to her job.
Phineas had been busy with his life.

"So, do you think there'll be any cute guys there?" asked Genna playfully. "I'm sure there will be if you look hard enough," said Cindy.

"Yeah, like you gonna make out and have rough sex with them or something?" Phineas retorted.

"Not like you'll get any action anyway," Cindy teased. Phineas ignored her and continued driving.

Soon, they reached the rather large house that even his current salary couldn't afford. Loud music came from the house, which was what made up for parties today.

"I'm surprised the neighbors haven't filed a complaint yet," said Genna. Phineas in his sarcastic way replied, "They've probably done this all the time AND got away with it." Phineas looked around but there wasn't any space to park his car. "Anyway, can't seem to find a parking spot here so I'll drop my ladies off first."

Both of them got out of the car and started towards the front door. Phineas sped away. He thought back to when they were last at a party, which was during college, and he felt nostalgic to the memory. After half a mile or so, he finally found a spot along the quiet road.

It was pretty far from the house but he could make it in time if he walked fast enough. He parked into the spot and turned off the car.

Phineas decided the party could wait awhile and brought out his pack of cigarettes. He leaned against the hood of the car, lighted one and puffed smoke through his nose and into the chill air.

A soft weeping could be heard a few blocks down the road. Phineas looked around to see where it was coming from. Along the dark street, was a woman with messy hair. She was covering her face with both hands and stepped forward slowly. Phineas put his lighter in his pocket, took the cigarette away and said, "Hey, lady. Are you okay?"

She didn't reply but stopped where she stood, still weeping into her hands. "Are you hurt? Do you need me to call someone for you?" Phineas was trying to be polite but she continued to act strange and didn't respond to him. He walked a little closer to see if there was anything wrong with her. She stopped crying and put her hands down, revealing her pale face and red eyes.

Phineas didn't have time to respond as she tackled him to the ground with much force. She screamed like a banshee at him, spit flying onto his face. He tried prying her off of him but she had him pinned. She tried biting at his face and scratched at him with her nails.

The house which he parked in front of had turned on its lights and a man came out to see what all the commotion was. He was probably as old as Phineas' father and looked rather slim for his age. He yelled, "You kids better not be doing anything inappropriate out here." The woman turned to look at him, cocking her head to the side.

While she was distracted, Phineas took the opportunity to push her off. She fell and hit the pavement, giving a frustrated scream. Phineas got up and ran towards the man. "Quick, get in the house now! Go!" They both ran in and bolted the door shut behind them. Phineas looked out of the window to see her calling more crazy people, screeching loudly. "What the hell is going on out there?! I demand to know."

"If I were you, I wouldn't be outside right now." The man moved to the window and realized what he meant. His face grew pale at what he saw. The crazy people then came up to the porch and started banging on the door. "Do you have anything that I could use? Like a gun or a baseball bat?" asked Phineas.

"There's a metal poker by the fireplace." Phineas moved towards it while the man went to another room and pulled a revolver out of the desk drawer.  He started loading the cartridge with bullets. The banging noise grew louder as more people hit against it.

"C'mon, we have to hurry. I don't think the door can hold much longer." Phineas drew the poker from the fireplace and raised it to defend himself. The man suddenly comes out from the room and aims the gun at him. "Whoa, don't point it at me, dude. Point it at those crazy fellas outside."

His hands shakes with nervousness. "I don't know who you are and for all I know you could be one of them. After all, you were outside with that lady."

"She's the one who attacked me, okay,  and I just saved your life from those people out there. So, let's be reasonable and not kill each other," Phineas said, afraid that he might actually shoot him. As he reluctantly lowered his gun, Phineas gave a sigh of relief. Just then, bits of the door had shattered and many hands were reaching through the holes to grab them.

The surprised man turned around and fired his revolver, shooting  aimlessly at the door. The door then fell to the floor, along with a pile of bodies clambering over each other. The man continued to shoot at them, slowly backing away, but it was little use.

Phineas swung at one's head with all his strength. It never got back up again. As the revolver had run out of bullets, one of them had gotten up and jumped onto the man. He fell downwards screaming for help. "Get it off me!" he cried. But more had started pouring in and Phineas hesitated. "I'm sorry man," he said. He made one last swing and retreated to the back of the house.

He found the door leading to the backyard and opened it. He ran through it and climbed over the fence into the neighbors yard. He sneaked past a few of the crazy people going into the house and hopped into his car. He fumbled with his keys a little but managed to start the car.

A few of them turned to see him speeding of down the back road. I have to get out of here, but first Cindy and Genna. Phineas drove to where the house would be and saw Genna running out the back with Cindy on her heels.

"Oh, am I glad to see you, handsome," Cindy said with a smile on her face. "But what the actual hell happened to YOU?"

Phineas looked down at himself and saw that he was covered with quite a lot of blood splatter. Well, there goes my good shirt. "Long story." Phineas felt tired and just wanted to lay down and never get up. "I'll tell you when we get the heck outta here." Both girls entered the car. In front of them came a crazy man. He rammed the car into him without a second thought.

Both girls screamed with shocked looks on their face. "Let's get out of here," said Phineas. They drove away in the convertible, losing the crazy people behind them. However, Phineas kept thinking of the man he had left behind.

Was it wrong to save myself from those people? Have I just murdered a person without intentionally doing it? I didn't even know his name! It kept bugging his thoughts, but now he had to decide where to go. To the city, where he lived and might be safe in his own home? Or far into the country, away from this horrible nightmare?


(A/N: Hope u guys enjoy this part, I probs need ideas for a good plot and ending for this :P )

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