Part 4

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After leaving the chaotic city behind them, they took the freeway leading out into the neighboring state. About an hour of driving, there were surprisingly no traffic inconvenience.

Few cars had passed them by along the dimly lit roads. It seemed weird at first but it was late at night, or probably the early hours of the morning. Genna tried to use her phone to call anyone in her contacts, even her ex-boyfriend Will, but no one had picked up. Maybe they were all dead or going to be. It was as if the world was silent, holding its breath and waiting for something big and crazy to happen, it felt surreal. 

Phineas' mom was pretty quiet in the front seat, probably from the shock of seeing her whole world crumbling in front of her. Genna felt sorry for her because she too had felt the same way when she was at the party. She grew tired and lied back in her seat, trying to rest.

Could this be the end of the world as we know it?  Maybe help will come along and we won't have to live in a broken wasteland. She asked Cindy, "What's this secret hideout that we're going to? Is it a bunker?" Genna knew her friend was rich and was usually spoiled by her parents, but that didn't seem to change who she was. Cindy preferred to get things done her own way.

"No, we're not doomsday preppers or whatever those people are called. Its just a little resort place my family goes to during the holidays. Now that you mentioned it, it actually brings back a few memories when I was a kid." I wonder if those memories were good ones or embarrassing ones. Genna gave a soft chuckle, reminded of her own cringe worthy moments.

As they were nearing the city of Detroit, they heard the sounds of police car sirens, gunshots and a mix of wailing zombies. The city was likely under attack and heavy fire from the authorities. Genna stared into the distance, wondering if the zombies had already taken over the whole city there.

Phineas stopped the car suddenly that they almost flew forward. Ahead of them were bright spotlights, along with a long line of cars on the road. Genna craned her head to see what was happening. There was a road block, men with military uniform and guns were checking the cars in front, shuffling along those that they had already stopped.

After a minute of two, it came to our turn to be blinded by bright flashlights. A man with medium height and large body came towards the car. As he drew closer, Genna saw that he had rather bushy eyebrows but his face was clean shaven. He looked at us with dark brown eyes and glanced at Phineas with his dirty and also bloody shirt. With a sharp, hoarse voice he said to him, "Anything important I should know about here?"

Phineas replied with a tired expression, "We're headed out of the city, away from the zombies, so we don't get eaten and come back to have revenge on the living." 

"Are you playing with me, boy? I could have you arrested for having that tone with me. I am the head authority 'round here. Now tell me what you did that got you all bloody here so we can be done with you." Mrs. Lane put a hand to her son's shoulder, giving him a warning look. Phineas gave a long deep sigh and turned to the man saying, "You don't need to know that, we aren't going to your fucking boss to report on how you are a total asshole for keeping us from getting away from things that are trying to kill us." The mans face became red with anger. He grabbed Phineas by the collar and hauled him out of the car. What was he thinking? He's going to get himself killed. 

"Someone needs to teach you some manners and put a leash on that tongue o' yours." The private raised his fist and brought it down hard onto his face. Phineas stumbled backwards, almost falling down. Phineas tried to retaliate with his own knuckles but missed and got brought down by the private. His mother screamed at both of them to stop. Cindy opened the car door and tried to pull the man off of Phineas, but the man was strong and just pushed her onto her behind.

The other troopers who were guarding the road block just stood there and didn't even move a single muscle to do anything. Genna found a poker at the bottom of her seat, how it got there she didn't know or care. The private continued to punch Phineas with his strong arms, leaving his nose and face red.

Genna brought up her poker and whacked the man on the head. The man fell to the ground with a thud. Cindy helped Phineas to his feet, who was in need of a few bandages and some ice for his bruised face. Then the other troopers came rushing to the man, checking if he was still alive. He gave out a loud groan of pain and yelled, "You're going to regret ever opening your goddamn mouth, kid."

A person at the back of the line of the cars screamed in a high pitched voice. Just then behind the men came growls and moans of the infected, coming out of the dark tree line fast. Genna quickly helped Cindy with Phineas into the car. The troopers turned around and started firing at the oncoming wave of zombies.

Phineas was too stunned and beaten to drive the car, so Genna sat in the front and steered the car forward away from the gunfire, smashing into the blockade and past the armed troopers. The cars that were behind them panicked and followed, driving away from the zombies.

Some of the approaching zombies were shot down by the armed men, but more had arrived and they were soon surrounded. There were too many of them and too few guns to shoot them dead. The men that stayed to shoot the zombies eventually got chomped, their screams a horrifying sound. Those closer to the army got into their vehicles and drove away from the growing horde.

Whew that was a close one. Where the hell are all these zombies coming from? Genna found it crazy that zombies should just appear when​ever they wanted.

As they were approaching a junction, Genna looker in her mirror to see if Phineas was alright. Cindy had taken a cloth from her bag, while his mom brought out some tissues in the glove compartment and wiped off the blood from his face. He still looked a little distraught.

At least he isn't bleeding to his death. But will we be able to get to our destination in time? I'm not even sure where it is. Genna was about to ask Cindy when another car from the right crashed into them at high speed. Time seemed to slowed down. Glass and  shrapnel went flying everywhere. The sound of metal crunching against metal was deafening. Then, both cars came to a halt at the side of the road, almost hitting a nearby tree.

The hit was so sudden that Genna didn't feel the pain until after they had stopped. She had hit her head and was bleeding where a piece of glass had cut her. She looked to see if anyone was alright and saw that Mrs. Lane was lying still, her head bloody and hair a mess.

Genna put her hands on her shoulder, slowly shaking her, "Mrs. Lane? Please​ get up." She made no sound or movement. Genna felt her neck for a pulse and under her nose for any breath, anything that might indicate that she was alive.

But there was none, and she did not stir. Mrs. Lane was dead.


(A/N: what up I have killed off a character, whoops. Hope u all enjoyed this part. maybe u guys are patient enough for the next one. 😁)

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