Part 5

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Phineas woke to the sound of someone yelling. It was faint at first but soon his ears adjusted and heard the familiar voice crying out, "Help! Somebody please! We need help!" He tried to move his arms and legs, but they didn't seem to work properly. He looked up to see the car that had crashed into them was on fire. The passengers in there were probably dead or dying. What am I doing on the road?  

Then, he saw a green pickup truck stop by the accident. "Thank god. Please help us. We need to get out of here." He tried to see the newcomer but his head became dizzy and his vision blurred. His head pounded and felt like he was about to faint. Soon, he felt two sets of hands haul him by the arms while another held his legs and pulled his limp body up from the road. His rescuers grunted with the strain. "You are a lot heavier than you look, Phineas."

Phineas just gave a moan in response. He felt himself being held up by strong arms, then felt the cool metal of the car on his back. Phineas turned his head to see Cindy climb up and seating next to him at the back of the truck. He tried to move his lips and get his words out but they only came out in soft croaks. Cindy looked at him with her blue eyes. "What is it? Are you in any pain?" All he managed to get out was, "W...where's...m-mom...?" Cindy didn't reply.

Phineas tried to sit up. "Wh...where is she?!" The sad look on her face already told him what he knew. "I'm sorry. We couldn't..." She struggled to get the words out. "She's gone." Those two words left him feeling hollow and empty inside. "No. No, no, NO. She can't be. She...she was alive a moment ago."

"I'm sorry," Cindy repeated. "There was nothing we could do. She probably died from the impact of the collision."

His mom was his only family left that was close to him. He couldn't lose her now, and not when he needed her the most. Even when his father left, he knew he had to be there for his mother because she was the one who handled it the hardest. She was gone and there was nothing left. He broke down crying.

~ ~ ~

The girl that had waved for help sat in front with the driver and shut the door. "You people need a hospital! Need me to call an ambulance? I can take you to the nearest one."

"No," said the girl. She hesitated for a moment, not sure what to say. "We need to go somewhere with supplies. Maybe there'll be something that we can use to fix him up and buy some food."

"Are you sure about that? You've just been in a car accident and you all look badly hurt!" The driver looked at all of them, puzzled that they wouldn't want to help themselves. He heard the guy he hauled onto his truck started weeping and screaming.

He was thinking if he should listen to the girl or just go straight to the ER. He made his decision. "Alright if you say so pal, but I have to get back home by noon."

He continued driving down the road.
"So, uh, I didn't catch your name back there. I'm Simon." He was going to extend his hand for a handshake but thought better of it. "I'm Genna. Those two behind are Cindy and Phineas."

"What happened back there? Why's your friend crying?" He wanted to break the ice, get them to say  something. Anything that might tell him what was going on. Genna looked rather sad but the expression disappeared in a blink of an eye. She gave him the 'I don't want to talk about it' look. Simon immediately regretted asking that question.

"Does it matter? Its none of your business." The conversation died there and then.

Along the way, the noise had finally died down. All of them had fallen asleep, tired from all they'd been through. The sun slowly rose from the east and into the sky. Soon, they saw a gas station by the side of the road with a couple of shops nearby. Cindy opened the back window called from behind to stop there. He did.

I pulled up to it and saw many people filling their cars with gas and others raiding the store. Everything was in chaos. "What the hell is happening?" said Simon.

Genna sat up looking groggy, too stunned to say anything. "Well since I'm here, better fill up my car. Tank's almost empty." Simon went over to an unoccupied gasoline dispenser and pumped some gas into the car.

Genna hopped out and told Phineas that she was sorry for something, but he couldn't hear. Phineas just turned away. Not wanting to bother him any further, she indicated for Cindy to follow her.

"I'll be back in a moment with some water, OK?" She pushed his messy hair back from his tear stained face. He didn't say anything but continued to look into the distance. She gave him a soft peck on the cheek, then followed Genna into the store.

Simon grabbed the nozzle and began filling the tank. He waited for them to be out of earshot, then he walked over to Phineas, who was still leaning against the side of the truck being rather sullen. He was going to open his mouth to say something but the guy cut him off with a rude tone. "Don't. I know what you're gonna say and I'm not in the mood right now. So just go away."

"Ain't got nothing on you pal. But please, just tell me what the heck happened. All I saw was the crashed cars and then your friends waving at me to stop. I couldn't refuse two helpless girls. Plus, you were lying on the ground half dead. So...just at least tell me. I know you've been through a rough time, and I'm not trying to pry into your personal life, but I have to know."

"Fine, you wanna know so badly just look at the latest news. Then you'll understand what's going on."

Simon was about to take out his phone, when he noticed the girls walking out of the store. Genna was munching on a snack while holding many bags of groceries in her other arm, which looked pretty heavy to carry. The other one, Cindy was holding a shotgun. Where the hell did she get that?

Simon had just finished filling his truck, when a horde of zombies began attacking the nearby shops with people still in them. The screaming caught their attention. A couple of those creatures saw them and limped toward them.

"Oh my god. Behind you!" The girls looked and fear grew in their eyes. They ran.

Simon scrambled in and turned on the ignition. The girls quickly climbed onto the truck, dumping whatever they looted into the back. The zombies almost reached the car when Cindy brought out the gun and shot it in the face. Its body twitched a little, then stopped and crumpled to the ground.

The other one grabbed for Phineas but it got knocked off the car by the end of Cindy's gun.

"Holy shit! What the fu-?" But before he could finish, Genna yelled at him to drive. Simon stepped on the accelerator and drove onto the road again, narrowly missing a few cars.

Once we were on the road, Simon spotted more people running left and right. Some looked normal while others looked ugly and had blood all over, chasing after the other people.

Genna pulled out her phone, tapped on an icon and pointed at a small dot on the map​, "This is where we have to go. We can find food and shelter there." He held the phone closer to get a better look. Simon was confused, "Why would you wanna go there? You going camping or something? Plus with all this chaos, how are we gonna make it there? I have to get back home!"

"I'm sorry we can't go back. There's too many of them. We have to keep going. I'll explain bout the route on the way. Just concentrate on the road and I'll help navigate." He continued on, wishing he could get back to his pet dog, Rusty.


(A/N: hehe sorry if its kinda long but I was hoping to finish the story asap. So I hope u all enjoyed this part. The end is almost near.)

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