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I just sit and watch her
I just stare at her
I wish I could read her mind
Understand her thoughts
I wish I could always read the
Emotions that lay open in her eyes.
She used to be that good friend.
I gave her everything I could...
I did everything she asked
If I could
Hoping she'll stay...
I knew she was never with
Us with her heart.
But I thought giving and doing
Everything for her could win her over
I thought it'll make her stay.
But I was wrong
It never did
We were not enough...
The sacrifices we made seemed
Like ash and she didn't want them.
We loved her,we cared
But all this while she never did.
Because if she did...
She'll  never had hurt us this much.
But she wants enough...
But that's what she never gets.
Because enough just isn't is...
We create it
We believe it
And we live it
But until she realises this...
But of course...

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