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Half Perfect
by @--enchanting--

Your writing is really good! The only thing you should change is some phrases that are too "cliché." For example, don't speak to the reader. Don't say "Hello my name is ______". But great work!


I just wanted to start off by saying your cover is really good! How do you make them? Anyways, your story was really good but you should use commas more. I really liked the way you wrote everything but your descriptions could be a lot better.

Founding Day
by commediadellarte

Wow everything about your story was amazing. I love your transitions, descriptions, and the flow of your sentences. You had a "run off" sentence in the beginning and you should have made it more shorter but that's fine. Good job!

They're Trouble
by Mowritestoo

Your story plot was amazing but you have several grammar mistakes. For example you should add a comma before you start a new dialogue. Some sentences are too long but I can still understand the story.

Our Fading Stars
by AngelinaRoseLee

Woah, that was amazing! I already read the first line and I was hooked. I don't have any advice for you, everything was amazing! Keep it up.

Music Box
by Min_Turtle29

Wow! Your story was amazing! I'm not into Kpop but your story was different. Your vivid descriptions made everything come to life. Amazing!

A Second Shot
by Sunburn_11

Wow I have to say, everything about your story was beautiful! I loved the idea of it and your descriptions as well. I loved it!

The Hopeless Romantic
by mellybelly16

That was good but you have several grammar mistakes. You should also use commas more when needed and don't use phrases that speak directly to the reader. For example like "Wanna know how this whole thing started?" But great work!

Hey Hailey
by veneventer1

You know what they say, don't judge a book but it's cover! Your book was really good and I love how your book talks about insecurities and important problems.

For Amber
by imareadallday

Oh my goodness! Your descriptions are beautiful, teach me your skills! I loved your story so far, it was amazing!

Battle Scars
by QueenStarwars

Oh my, I love your story and writing! Please do continue writing, your story is very engaging and I love it. Thank you for writing about improtant problems that no one talks about. Good job!

Now time for the winners of the "Teen Fiction" category...


or Amber by imareadallday

Congrats! Your prizes are:

→ a follow
→ a sticker
→ your book will be added to "2017 Winners" reading list

If you want your sticker, please PM me and I'll give you the link.

Our Fading Stars by AngelinaRoseLee

Congrats! Your prizes are:
→ a follow
→ a sticker
→ your book will be added to "2017 Winners" reading list
→ read, vote and comment from me if i feel like your book deserves it

If you want your sticker, please PM me and I'll give you the link.

BATTLE SCARS BY QueenStarwars your prizes are:

→ a shoutout
→ a follow
→ a sticker
→ review of the first chapter
→ your book will be added to "2017 Winners" reading list
→ read, vote and comment from me if i feel like your book deserves it

If you want your sticker, please PM me and I'll give you the link.


Note: I've been really busy and stressed lately so the prizes will be delivered late. Sorry.

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