Chapter Two

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He sat there on his break, a coffee in one hand and staring out the window of the coffee shop. His thoughts were completely saturated with her. She seemed so familiar, yet so new. He sighed sipping the lukewarm liquid.

What was that he felt when their fingertips brushed? It shocked him, almost like he had touched a live wire. She didn't seem to feel it however, or at least to him she didn't show any sign of feeling it.

Her reflexes were almost impossible to have. More so if she was just an office worker. He remembered those reflexes, back before he died.

Only one person he knew had them. She would win fights against those double her height and weight-

"Calum, break's over." His boss yelled. He nodded standing up, downing the bitter coffee he was drinking before heading back behind the counter.

The day seemed to go slow after that. The bell seemed to chime a little bit louder than usual, ten minutes before his workday finished. Her heels clicked against the floor in a rhythm he heard earlier, he looked up from the newspaper behind the desk and saw her there again, her blazer slung over her arm.

"Let me guess, a low fat decaf latte?" He smirked. She shook her head.

"A hot chocolate with whipped cream and... caramel?" She asked quietly. He nodded and he walked to go get it done. She had put the correct money on the side again, he had noticed.


He watched her as the shop died out, every ten minutes that passed somebody left. Leaving a mess he would have to clear up. She stayed, her hands flying across the table to each piece of paper a pen in one hand the other hand always flying to her lips to wet her fingers to turn the next piece of paper.

She spent thirty minutes like that. Completely absorbed in her work.

"Excuse me miss, you're going to have to leave. We're closing up-" His boss walked over to her, she looked up and sighed nodding.

"She can stay. Will an extra half an hour do?" He spoke up, walking over. She nodded. "I'll stay here and lock up."

"Fine, you're not getting paid extra." His boss muttered grabbing his jacket, throwing the key to Calum and walking out. She smiled brightly.

"Thank you." She smiled and her head went down as she continued to write and turn pages. He watched her in amazement, she was doing it so fluently with such grace.


She finished, all the papers stacked on one side. She looked up and saw him napping on the table in front of her. She laughed quietly and stood up walking over.

"Give me all your money!" A group of men walked in. Calum sat up jumping.

"Go to the back room." He mumbled to her and stood up stretching out. He hadn't ever been good at fighting but he believed that she shouldn't have to get hurt. She shook her head, her own eyes scanning over the group. Only two out of the four had weapons.

"Just stand back." Her voice was quiet. She walked towards the group who had a knife to her chest in a second.

"The money-" He growled. Within a second she had the knife off him and he was on the floor winded.

Calum's eyes widened at the sight. She had knocked them all unconscious within a few minutes, almost like she knew what to do.

"Call the police? I'll keep an eye on these." She smiled. Calum nodded and headed to his jacket and took out his phone.

One of the men had produced another knife and swung for her. But she turned quickly before he could open her mouth to warn her, her knee colliding with the attackers head sending him to the floor again. She was breathing heavily.

"I suggest you all stay down." She growled. Calum felt as if he knew that tone and the grace of the fighting from somewhere. He just couldn't pin it on who or where.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2017 ⏰

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