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she was made of sunlight
you could taste the sweetness on her skin

he was formed from shadows
with a heart that was uncomfortably cold

when they collided,
the universe turned its head to watch—
expecting them to extinguish each other
but they didn't
they didn't.

she warmed him
pierced him with soft words
and smiled
with him
while he unthawed

and when he finally cracked
remade whole
he laughed too.

but she couldn't take back the heat she gave.
when he left—
running to find someone else to drain,
she just smiled
and clutched the hole in her chest

but he was not the villain
he was us
he was human

she was not a goddess
she was us
she was human

they taught each other moderation
gave each other room to grow.

the universe went back to its regularly scheduled programming

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