Prompt #8

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                Prompt: Can you do a prompt where Constance walks in on Leon and Brennan having a heavy make out session with their shirts off? I wanna see what his reaction would be


                Normally, Leon came to campus when we wanted to see each other. It was a lot less awkward that way.

                But tonight, his mom had invited me over for dinner. Leon and I had excused ourselves to his room after so he could help me study for a test I had in two days.

                Somewhere along the lines, though, I'd kissed him enough to distract him from studying.

                "You're going to fail," Leon said, voice shaky.

                "I'm practicing other things," I said, kissing along his throat.

                I knew we wouldn't go all the way anytime soon. Leon was a good little Catholic boy, a wait-til-marriage type. I wasn't going to pressure him into having sex before he was ready, and I'd be damn sure to stop before we got too close to that point. But a little making out never hurt, right?

                Leon brushed a hand through my hair, tugging my head up so I was kissing his lips. We were both still dressed in our Academy uniforms.

                I tugged at his vest. "Your room is pretty warm."

                "I guess it is," he said, helping me pull the vest off. I took my own off and we tossed them to his floor.

                I pulled Leon close, kissed up his jaw, slow and teasing. His hands trembled as he put them on my shoulders.

                "My parents are home," he reminded.

                "We're not going to do anything bad," I said, kissing his lips. "I'm just kissing my boyfriend."

                "My dad will have you arrested for real if he catches us," Leon said, patient exasperation on his face.

                "Oh? Then I better kiss you as much as possible before I head to jail," I said, shifting him onto my lap and kissing him.

                I unbuttoned his shirt and pushed it away from his chest, my hand sliding down to his ribs and curving around to his back. Leon shrugged out of the shirt, letting it join our vests on the floor. His hands trembled harder as he unbuttoned my shirt, and I helped him get it off to join the growing pile of clothes. I knew we wouldn't take anything else off tonight, but that didn't bother me.

                Leon moved his hands down my body until he was gripping just above my hips. Our mouths worked in a heavy, familiar rhythm.

                But then we both froze as we heard Leon's door swing open. Leon's grip on me made me wince, and I bit my lip.

                "Please tell me that's not your dad," I said.

                "It's his dad," Constance said.

                "Oh, god, no one will ever find my body," I groaned.

                "Separate," Constance commanded.

                Leon hurried to scramble off my lap. He snatched his shirt off the floor and pulled it over his arms, his hands shaking too badly to button it back up. He gripped it so it was pulled over his chest. I bent down and picked up my shirt, shrugging into it and buttoning it to my chest.

                I looked up at Constance, expecting fury. Instead, he had his cold, composed expression. He grabbed a chair from Leon's desk and dragged it up so he was sitting across from us.

                "Dad," Leon choked out.

                Constance held up a hand. "I don't want excuses. I don't want you to tell me it wasn't what I think."

                "I know this is a good time for me to shut up, but I feel compelled to inform you that your son is a very religious, do it with his husband only type," I said, wincing when Leon elbowed me. "Ow! And I respect that about him, but I don't respect his physical abuse. I wonder where he learned that." I winced again as he drove his elbow into my side. "Cut that out. I talk a lot when I'm nervous."

                Constance waited until I had shut up. "Brennan, did your parents or guardian ever give you any safety talks?"

                "Wow, this is getting uncomfortable," I said. "Yea, yea, I got the whole 'use a condom, consent is essential, talk about your boundaries' talk from my parents and Ted."

                Constance glanced at Leon, who was nervously chewing on his lip. Constance reached into Leon's pocket and pulled his dice out, pressing it into Leon's hands.

                "Calm down," he said. "What did I teach you?"

                "Composure," Leon said, rolling the dice between his hands and taking a few deep breaths. "I'm sorry, dad."

                "From now on, you'll leave your door open when Brennan is over," Constance said. "And Brennan is not allowed over if you're home alone. I had the same rules for your brother and sister when they started dating people."

                "Yes, dad," Leon said, hanging his head. "We're very sorry. That was inappropriate."

                "Yes, it was," Constance said.

                "We're dating and we made out. People do it," I said, angry on Leon's behalf. We weren't going to have sex or anything. We were just kissing. "You have a wife and three kids, you know relationships have heavy moments. Leon likes the idea of abstinence, so we're not going to do anything that would make God cringe in horror."

                "Brennan," Leon groaned. "Please, please, stop talking."

                "Why? The only one who wants to put handcuffs on me is your dad," I said.

                "I do have a wife and three children," Constance said. "I am a father. And as a father, I have rules for my children, regardless of what their intentions are. Leon has a curfew, and the Blues in your dorm, Brennan, will keep an eye on you two. The door stays open when you're in a room together in my home, and you are not allowed here if Leon is alone. Those are my rules, rules I set for Adam and Caroline as well. I'll adjust those rules as I see fit."

                "They're fair rules," Leon said hurriedly, before I could get an argument in. "Of course we'll obey them."

                Constance leaned back in the chair. "Don't look so surprised, Brennan. I run an Academy that mainly consists of teenagers. I have students brought to me for their inappropriate sexual conduct from time to time. I can talk about this all day without getting uncomfortable."

                "Yea, well, I'm getting uncomfortable," I grumbled, standing up and grabbing my vest. "I'm going to head back and study with...myself, I guess. Fagan doesn't ever do shit and Beckett just hits me a lot."

                "I'll drive you back," Leon said, standing up and quickly buttoning his shirt. "I'll come right back home, dad. I promise."

                "Yes, you will," Constance said, standing up. "Goodbye, Brennan. Follow my rules, or date someone else's son."

                He left the room and Leon slumped against my. I kissed his cheek, putting an arm around his waist.

                "I'm not in jail," I said. "There's a Brightside to all this."

                "Shut up and let's go," he said with a tired sigh, giving me a shove towards his door.

                I left his room, suddenly nervous. Oh, god, Constance was going to kill me in my sleep one of these days.

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