chapter 3

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They don't need you anymore. HE doesn't need you anymore."
I looked down, unable to look lotor in the eyes for months now but this was different. I knew he was right. I'm weak and they would replace me. Maybe the best thing to do is to serve lotor and not get in anyone's way. Keith must have relied that I didn't matter much. I was the weak link one voltron and with allura at the wheel, they can finally stand straight.

"Will you now obey? My little thing." Thing. Thing. Thing. I'm nothing but his thing. His. I have his name on my chest above my heart to say I belong to him. What's the point in fighting it anymore?

"Yes my prince. I shall serve you loyally." My voice broke. I hate this! But what else can I do? I'm pathetic and weak. Humans are weak and need to be ruled over or we will kill ourselves. I felt him from as he picked me up and sat back into his thrown with me in his lap. "Neck." He demanded. I nuzzled onto his shoulder and kissed his his neck as I was told. This was so degrading but I had to do it.
As we were fighting the galra fighter ships a video was transmitted to the lions. "Guys? Are you getting this?" I asked the other lions.

"No, what is it?" Shiro asked me. "Here just transmit it to all of us." I did as I was told. Then the video popped up on all of the lions screens. It started.

Lotor walked into view. I saw behind him was someone without a shirt and covered in scars, and a collar with a chain connected to the commanders chair that belonged to lotor. His head was down so I couldn't make out who it was, but something about him was so...familiar.

"You know the blue lion would never want you back right?"  Lotor started talking.

"Wait blue lion? Is that... My Lance!!!" The team looked so guilty. Hunk and pidge looked more shocked, but allura and shiro, they had guilt all over their faces. For giving up and putting allura in blue. They should feel like that. Lance is covered in scars and is chained like an animal!

"You have became weak. You don't get it do you? You belong to me. Nothing but a servant."

"S-stop! She will except me! Like the team is still looking for me!"

That's right babe! I'm coming! "Guys! Lance is in there! Let's go!"

"Then why can't she sense you?"

We all stopped moving. What did he just say?


"If the lion still thought of you as her paladin, then she could sense you and would come running in to get you."

No it's because allura is in command! She mentioned earlier that blue wanted to go inside, and said that the pull was very powerful, but then she demanded that blue stayed focused on the fight! That's what blue was saying! That's why lances lion was whimpering!

"Tell my, my thing, why wouldn't they be looking for you? We are on the largest fleet of the Empire so wouldn't that be the most obvious choice to look?

He was right. I just thought it was too  obvious.

And why have I not gotten any reports of voltron looking for you in months? They don't need you anymore. HE doesn't need you anymore."

"NO! Lance I love you! I've been looking for you!I still need you! Don't call him your 'thing' you monster!" I knew they couldn't see or hear us. He podcast this to just me to hurt me. But he didn't know lance is stronger than that! He is my rock, and I his!

"Will you now obey? My little thing."

"Ha yeah right"

"Yes my prince. I shall serve you loyally."

"W-what? What did he just say?" Tears where running down my face now. Hunk was about to start sobbing any minute now, and pidge and Allura had the same shocked look on their faces. Shiro just looked furious.

Lotor reached down and grabbed lance and sat down with lance in his evil lap! How could Lance just let hi m do that! Then lotor looked right into the camera, knowing I was watching and tapped his neck "neck," He demanded coldly. Lance, without missing a beat rested his head on lotors shoulder and he kissed his neck! All with a blank face.

"No, smile. This is your life now. You are mine and mine alone my pet." The prince had a smirk plastered on mys ugly ass face. When he said 'pet' I could see lance flinch. and then he did the one think I wish I would never see. "Yes my prince" he smiles and nuzzled in with is cuffed hands around the galra scum! But I could see that although he was smiling, his eyes were scared. He was scared and didn't want to do this! I can see how uncomfortable he is!



"You will call me either darling, love, or other endearing names. Understood." He pet lances hair with one hand and with his other hand, he stroked up and down his scarred back. The scars he put there. As if he had the right to lay a hand on him.

"I can't. That's what... me and keith call each other."

"That's right Lance! We are coming!!!! Don't let him touch you!" I shouted. I could feel the anger boil inside of me. All the paladins, plus allura, headed for the main ship.

" Keith doesn't need you! You are weak. That's why all that pain happened to you! You can only avoid pain by submitting to me! Humans need me to rule them!"  He pushed lance to the ground and stood up, hovering over him as my boyfriend sat shaking. When lance nodded, I think that's when my heart broke into a million peices.

"But you don't have to be weak. Be mine by choice and you may rule by my side. If not you will still be mine, but it won't be fun." He smirked at lance. Lotor them glanced up at the camera once more and the feed went dead.

"I'm going to kill that son of a bitch! He is filling lances head with lies! Did you see the way he touched him! His sick hands touched him!" I was fuming. "Did you see all those scars! All those wounds!" I have never felt this level of anger before! All I could think about is killing Lotor for what he did. I looked at shiro. "Nothing like that happened to you and Matt! Why him!"

"Keith! Don't worry we WILL get lance back, just as we got Matt back!" Shiro seemed so sure. I had to get him back! If I lose him to lotor I don't know what I will do with myself.

"So I'm going to be yours either way?" I asked him, still scared of that he would do.

"Yes. The different is that one way you won't be in pain." His hand went down my back again but stayed on my lower back. He seemed to prefer my back. Maybe because that's were all my scars are that he caused and reminded him of how superior he is compared to me. My eyes drifted down to my own chest and my hand subconsciously touched the branding. My mind went out to keith. I want him to know that I'm not about to do something easy. I want him to know that I don't want to be in pain. I want him to know I'm weak and need someone to rule me. I want him to understand that lotor will help me and tell me what to do, because I haven't been able to help myself since about four months after I was captured. "What will happen to my friends? To my keith?" He glared at me when I said 'my keith.' "Um, I mean keith?" I looked at the ground. Keith isn't mine anymore. I only have Lotor now. He must have stopped looking Like lotor said. I'm weak, just like what lotor said.

"We will deal with one matter at a time." He stood up straight and held his hand out. I took it and looked belong his eyes, not wanting to cross him by looking directly in the eyes."vrepit sa." He whispered.

"...Vrepit sa." I repeated, taking his hand.


Sorry for doing long posts. I just have a lot to say so. Also, when I started this fic I had an end goal in mind but I think I'm going to change it a little so I'm going to see how to get from point 'a' to point 'b' and then point 'z' so wish me luck.

If you liked this please vote and comment! I will read each one (even if it's just one...) it means a lot to me bye!

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