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August 7 - 10:06 am

kmskeith: good morning

leggylance: mornin!

kmskeith: any mood improvement today?

leggylance: yes, actually. thanks to you :)

kmskeith: I'm so glad I was able to help

leggylance: guess what!

kmskeith: what??

leggylance: you gotta guess!

kmskeith: did I level up?? I really hoped I leveled up

leggylance: You have reached friendship level 4. You have unlocked more level 5 information. I'll answer any level 5 questions you have for the next 30 min

kmskeith: holy fucking. okay.

kmskeith: can you tell me why you're so afraid of letting people in?

leggylance: because people I love don't always love me back and sometimes it really hurts to find out they were only pretending to care

kmskeith: is that why you're making me level up? to make sure I really care before you let me in?

leggylance: yeah.. but you're actually leveling up super fast.. because you show me you care.

kmskeith: switching course. have you ever had a girlfriend?

leggylance: yeah. 2 of them. what about you?

kmskeith: I'm gay so no. I've had a couple boyfriends tho

leggylance: well I think it's worth mentioning that I've had a handful of boyfriends

kmskeith: oh so you're bi?

leggylance: correctomondo my friend

kmskeith: that's cool. so are you dating anyone now?

leggylance: it's complicated

kmskeith: how so?

leggylance: technically, we are together. but he sorta doesn't talk to me much anymore and my friend said he caught him with another guy and a couple girls

kmskeith: omg dump his ass wtf!!

leggylance: I tried. he's sorta ghosting me...

kmskeith: that's some bullshit. you don't need people like that in your life. you deserve so much better. I would go kick that guys ass for you if I could!

leggylance: ...Keith..

kmskeith: what?

leggylance: don't freak out

kmskeith: wait why!?

leggylance: Level up. You've reached friendship level 5. You've earned the title Best Friend™. You've unlocked unlimited friendship access, including Bonding Moment™. You've reached the final level of friendship.


kmskeith: FINALLY

leggylance: I said don't freak out!!

kmskeith: sorry, I've just been really looking forward to you finally letting me in..

leggylance: well I'm flattered.

leggylance: uh I gotta go sorry

leggylance: crappy cheating boyfriend just showed up at my house!

kmskeith: DUMP HIM RIGHT NOW!!

1:24 pm

leggylance: hey sorry he wouldn't leave

kmskeith: what do you mean he wouldn't leave??

leggylance: he kept trying to get me to take him back and kept like grabbing me and stuff. but then my big brother came home and got him off me. he got me inside and called the police because he still wouldn't leave. he got arrested and papa is gonna try to get a restraining order

kmskeith: holy shit! are you okay?!

leggylance: yeah. Danny stopped him from doing anything

leggylance: Danny is my brother

kmskeith: what was he trying to do exactly..?

leggylance: take my pants off

kmskeith: but he didn't?

leggylance: well my jeans were at my thighs but my boxers were still up

kmskeith: jeez Lance.. I'm glad you're okay..

leggylance: me too

kmskeith: how are you feeling mentally..?

leggylance: fine, I guess

kmskeith: why just fine?

leggylance: it was pretty terrifying..

kmskeith: do you want to call me again? that seemed to help a lot last night

leggylance: no I'll be okay. Danny is staying in my room while he's home. I won't be alone. He's visiting because mama told him what I did. he couldn't get off work until now tho

kmskeith: at least you have someone..

leggylance: yeah. I'm sorta using him as a pillow right now

kmskeith: physical comfort works best I assume? like hugs and stuff?

leggylance: yeah. my family is comprised of huggers lol

kmskeith: I wish I could give you a hug..

leggylance: well maybe one day you can

kmskeith: that'd be pretty amazing

leggylance: I have to go now. Papa wants to talk with me. I'll text you later.

kmskeith: okay, bye. be safe!

level up ❇ klance trilogyWhere stories live. Discover now